Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Next Generation: Part 12

On Camera

The scene opens inside of what appears to be an empty arena.  It could be arena anywhere in the world.  Who knows?  Our camera scans the area for signs of life but there is no one.  A wrestling is set up; clearly some wrestling event is to be held here.  SCW?  Perhaps.  Still, no noises.  No one to be seen.  But that doesn’t last too long as a spotlight suddenly lights up and shines down on a seat near the very back.  Suddenly we cut to that seat and we find The British Bombshell, the woman who some believe to be The Best in the World, Glory Braddock seated comfortably in one of the seats.  She is dressed in her royal purple colored two piece wrestling gear.  Her long blonde hair hangs unrestrained to shoulder length.  A confident smirk is etched across her lovely features.

“Don’t you just hate it when someone pokes their nose into your business?  Don’t you hate it when you’re trying to have a dance only to have some outside cut in?” A low chuckle escapes her lips. “Oh I’m sure you must think I’m talking about myself.  Your bloody nuisance of a father I know thinks all that about me.  But lets get a few things straight here, Alistaire.”

“Number one,” she holds up one finger “this main event at Rise To Greatness is about more than just the SCW World Championship.  This is about much more than the fame and glory that goes with winning the biggest match on the biggest stage in Supreme Championship Wrestling.  This is about the very soul of SCW.  Hell, you could argue that this is about the very soul of professional wrestling itself.  Are we going to stand by and let a bloody twat like Syren get by with breaking every sacred rule of the sport just to stay on top?”

“I’ll talk about you later, Syren.” Braddock winks at the camera.

“You agree with me that this sport and its integrity should be valued and defended against tyrants like Syren and her thugs.  I get that, mate, and I am glad that you do, but let’s get one thing perfectly clear; you didn’t jump on board with this until after you won Taking Hold of the Flame.  Convenient, isn’t it?  Well here’s a reality check for you, Alistaire.  I’ve been fighting and clawing my way towards this very moment, this night at Rise To Greatness, since February.  Don’t believe me?  Just look back to the lead up to the Trios Tournament.  I proclaimed it loud and clear that what Regan, Kellen, and myself wanted to accomplish was more than just a selfish victory for ourselves, but a game changer to shake the landscape of the entirety of Supreme Championship Wrestling.  And from the night of the Trios Tournament, hell before it even began, I knew what the goal was…”

The British Bombshell pauses dramatically, glaring intensely into the camera “...end the tyranny, defend the traditions of this great sport, and tear the world championship out of the hands of Syren.  Ideally I would have preferred it to be one on one, but while lasting nearly forty minutes in Taking Hold of the Flame is quite an accomplishment and very impressive, it wasn’t good enough.  You won, and for that I do applaud you.  You earned your spot in this main event.”

Braddock claps, seemingly a genuine applause, for Allocco. “So yeah, congratulations.  But understand I have declared war long before you won Taking Hold of the Flame.  I have made my intentions known for quite some time now.  But that does bring me to point number two.”

The British Bombshell holds up two fingers. “You’re good, I’ll grant you that.  I know how good you are because we have a history.  We have done battle more than once.  So you should also know that I am good.  Alistaire, I would even wager that in a fair fight you could dethrone Syren.  But therein lies the rub, it won’t be a fair fight and you know it.  Hell, your own father knows it.  Syren will not fight fair.  She openly admits to being willing to do anything it takes and take any shortcuts in order to leave as champion.  That brasser doesn’t even give a damn about winning anymore.  She would be just as happy losing so long as it meant losing by disqualification or countout, because that means she retains the title.”

“But she doesn’t even have to do that, does she?” Braddock shakes her head. “She has a bloody arm of nitwits willing to help her out!  And yet you refused to have them banned from ringside.  You wanted it to be a standard match, nothing to help ensure a fair fight; all because you wanted to prove that you could beat her at her own game.”

“Some might call that noble.  I just call it naive.  That’s why I used Trios, mate.  Trios is my insurance policy.  You would have been easy pickings for her and I am not going to let her work her magic and worm her way out of Rise To Greatness with the championship.  You see, Alistaire, as good as you are inside the ring in a fair fight, to truly be one of the best ever you need to be able to adapt to any situation.  You need to be able to strategize and plan for scum like her.  You need to be able to come up with ways to counter whatever crap her and her pals will throw in order to survive with the championship.”

Braddock pats herself on the chest. “I can and I will be ready for anything that she has prepared to use against me at Rise To Greatness.  I have stared down people like her before and I have won.  You?  Sorry, mate, but I do not have as much confidence that you could do the same.”

“So did I cut in?  Did I get involved in your business?” The British Bombshell shakes her head. “No, it’s the other way around.  You should be the one who stays out of my way, Alistaire, and let me handle business.”

A low laugh escapes her voice. “Oh but who am I kidding?  This is Rise To Greatness and it is the main event.  The world championship is on the line.  No one in their right mind with an opportunity this big would stand aside and I know you won’t.  I wouldn’t expect any true competitor to step aside from a challenge like this.”

Glory Braddock stands up out of the chair.  No more smiles, no more laughter; she is all serious as she gazes deep into the camera as if she is staring directly at Alistaire Allocco himself.

“So let me tell you exactly what you can expect from me, mate.  You can expect me to treat you no different than I would treat that brasser holding the championship right now.  I will treat you as an obstacle standing between me and ending this tyranny that exists in Supreme Championship Wrestling.  And I will go right through you, just I will go right through Syren.  And I will tap you out just as quickly as I tap out Syren if I have to.  Or you can get choked out.  The choice is all yours.”

July 16th, 2019
Houston, TX
Off Camera

It’s Tuesday evening, one night prior to the final Breakdown before Rise To Greatness weekend.  The anxiety and nerves, the excitement, is beginning to ramp up amongst those gathering in the Lone Star State for the biggest event of SCW’s calendar year.  For Glory Braddock, however, nerves and anxiety are not an issue.  The British Bombshell is focused on the task at hand in dethroning Syren to become the new SCW World Champion.  The English beauty has even managed to push the events of the last week out her mind so that she can focus only on her main event match.

Thus the silence from Glory Braddock in the rental car speeding down the road isn’t due to nerves about her big opportunity at Rise To Greatness or concern about her daughter’s safety and well being when it comes to one Clyde Sutter.  No, she is silent merely because she is trying to keep her mind off of what must be done in less than a week’s time in Dallas, Texas.  She is trying to keep her mind off of the personal family problems that have been plaguing her recently.  Those issues will resurface soon enough; but for now, in Houston, Texas, the city that hosts the final Breakdown, Glory Braddock rides with her husband Kurt as he drives them towards their dinner destination.

Night hasn’t quite dawned on the city of Houston but the sun is beginning to set, creating a beautiful image in the Texas sky.  Braddock smiles warmly as she soaks it all in, the setting, the view, everything she sees as the car goes down the road.  As focused as she has been on her match these past few days tonight is just as good a night as any to distract herself from anything and everything and just enjoy herself.

If only for this one night.  Then it’s back to serious business.

“Glory…” Braddock is zoned out right now as her attention is entirely on the sights of the outside.  Thus she doesn’t really hear her husband’s voice.  Kurt waits few seconds and decides to try again.  “Gloria…”

“Huh?” This time The British Bombshell is startled.  It was the use of her birth name, Gloria, which hardly anyone uses nowadays, which snaps her out of her concentration.  She turns her head to see her husband. “Yes?  Something wrong?”

“You were very quiet over there.” Kurt Logan says with a low chuckle. “Wanted to make sure you hadn’t passed out or anything.”

“No, no such luck love.” She winks playfully. “The only one passing out will be Syren, or maybe Alistaire if he gets in my way…”

“Now I thought you didn’t want to talk about them tonight?” Kurt asks inquisitively.

“True enough, you’re right.” Braddock sighs and nods her head. “I’m not going to talk about either of those two clowns; not tonight at least. Tonight you and I are going to just enjoy ourselves at this place...”

The British Bombshell furrows her brow in confusion “...what is this place called, anyway?”

“The Taste of Texas.” Kurt says grinning. “It is a steakhouse and should be quite a good one.  From what I read it has an on-site butcher shop and that’s where their steaks come from.”

“Very nice!” Braddock exclaims.  She doesn’t get steak that often as she is picky about her steaks.  Very few places can please her when it comes to steak.  But from what her husband just said about this particular steakhouse, she is looking forward to seeing what The Taste of Texas has to offer.

“They have a nice salad bar too, if you’d rather eat healthy.” Her husband says with a playful wink.  Braddock shakes her head in response.

“Not on your life, mate.” Glory remarks. “If tonight is about you and me enjoying ourselves, then I’m having a steak.”

“Fair enough.” Kurt says with a nod of his head.  It isn’t long after that until Kurt’s open wide.  He spots a sign up ahead.  Keeping one hand on the steering wheel, he takes the other and points. “We’re here.”

Braddock looks ahead and spots the sign for The Taste of Texas.  A smile crosses her face.  She is looking forward to this; it isn’t often she and Kurt get to have date nights anymore.  Kurt may be retired from active competition but Glory Braddock is still very busy as she actively competes in Supreme Championship Wrestling, not to mention her own business ventures consisting of Global Championship Wrestling and the Braddock Wrestling School.  She truly loves her husband but her busy schedule keeps getting in the way of their time together.  But not tonight.  Tonight is just about them and nothing will get in their way.


The car pulls into the parking lot.  It is a packed parking lot and Glory can already tell that there is a line waiting to be seated.  Is it this popular all of the time or is this just due to the fact that there is a wrestling event in town tomorrow?  Braddock isn’t sure but Kurt can already sense her nerves and speaks out to calm them.

“Don’t worry, I called ahead and got reservations.”

Braddock breathes a sigh of relief. “Good.”

The rental car slowly makes its way through the parking lot.  It takes quite some time but Kurt finally does get lucky and finds an open spot.  Without slowing down, Kurt turns with a jerk into the parking spot.  After the car is turned off he notices his wife staring at him with a knowing gaze.  He shrugs his shoulders.


“Don’t wreck the rental car, love.” Braddock says with a wink.

“I won’t.”

“Could’ve fooled me.” She says with a playful laugh.  Kurt laughs back.

“Well did you really want to risk someone else getting the spot?”

“Better safe than sorry.”

With that said Kurt Logan exits the driver’s said.  Glory waits as her husband walks around to the passenger’s side and opens the door, allowing Braddock to get out.  This is part of what makes this night special.  Kurt always is the gentleman and being treated like the lady she is makes Glory’s day.  He takes her hand and kisses it, causing The British Bombshell to blush.  Kurt and his lovely wife lock arms and then proceed to walk towards the entrance of the Taste of Texas restaurant

The walk across the parking lot isn’t a long one.  Kurt and Glory are both immediately impressed as they approach the restaurant, for there is a worker there to greet them, holding the door open to allow them easy access.

“Welcome to The Taste of Texas!” The worker, a young lady with black hair says.  Kurt nods his head quietly.  Glory responds more vocally.

“Thanks, mate.”

The restaurant was full. Braddock and her husband looked around at the busy tables; an old couple eating side by side, one glass of wine each, studiously bent over their meals. A group of young women in their thirties collapsing with helpless giggles as a stern woman dining alone nearby looked on and frowned. Businessmen in their grey suits lighting up cigars.  A family and their teenage children. The noise level was high.  But it didn’t seem to bother Kurt; not at all.  He turns and looks at his wife.

“Remember, I have reservations.”

Kurt and Glory stand there for a few moments until they are approached by the maitre d.  This is a young man, late twenties, with blonde hair.  He smiles pleasantly at the couple as he breaks what he thinks will be some bad news to them.

“The wait will be about thirty minutes unless you have reservations.”

“We do have reservations.” Kurt says with a nod of his head. “Under the name Kurt, Kurt Logan.”

“Ah yes, your table is ready.” He turns and motions for them to follow. “Right this way, please.”

Kurt and Glory follow the maitre d past rows of tables with other patrons.  A few moments later they arrive at a table by the wall.  There is a window so that Braddock and her husband Kurt can look outside while they enjoy their meal.  Kurt, who continues to pour on the charm offensive, holds out the chair for his wife.  Glory nods in gratitude as she sits down.  Kurt then sits down next.  The host places menus in front of them.

“Your server will be with you momentarily.”  The host walks away.  As soon as he is gone, Kurt turns his attention entirely on his wife.

“So are we enjoying ourselves yet?” He asks with a wry grin.

“You already know the answer to that question, love.” She says with a light laugh. “Though with all of this charm and love and stuff you’re pulling this evening I have to ask, is there something you did wrong that I don’t know about?”

“Nothing, I swear.  At least not yet.” He chuckles. “I mean, since I’m apparently building up good credit, could I use some of it up right now by standing up on this table and singing Back in Black by AC/DC in front of everyone in this place?”

“You do that and I will take the keys to the rental car from you and then leave your ass here.” Braddock says threateningly and yet still with a smile on her face.

“Am I that bad of a singer?”

“No, you’re just stealing my shtick, that’s all.” Glory answers. “Remember, being the prankster or troublemaker is my deal.”

Before they can say anything else, the waitress arrives with two margaritas.  She places one in front of Kurt and one in front of Glory.  Braddock and Kurt definitely did not order this and are surprised to see it.  They look up at their red headed waitress with puzzled faces.

“My name is Chelsea and I will be your server tonight.  What can I start you out with?”

“Well we really haven’t had time to look at the menu.” Kurt says, looking down at the margarita with a confused face.

“And also we didn’t order these.” Glory chimes in. “You probably brought these to the wrong table.”

“No, those drinks are yours.” The waitress says politely. “That guy over there bought them for you.”

She motions to a table not too far away from where they are sitting.  Glory turns and looks and is immediately in shock as she sees none other than Clyde Sutter sitting there.  The bald headed menace waves at her with a smug look on his face.

“Is he a friend of yours?” The waitress asks.

“Uh, not quite.” Glory says unsure of herself.

“Tell you what,” Kurt begins as he looks at the waitress “just give us time to look at the menu and then come back to us.  Ok?”

“Sure.” The waitress turns and walks off.  As soon as she is out of sight, Clyde Sutter stands up and approaches their table.  Kurt stands up as well and stands between him and his wife Glory.  Clyde snickers nastily upon arrival.

“Now Kurt, do you really want to create a scene right here in front of all of these blokes?”

“If it means knocking you damn head off, sure.”

“I’d like to see you try.  Really, I would.  I wonder how that would go over with that cute little whore running SCW?  Sasha is her name right?  Yeah, I wonder how it would look to Sasha if Glory Braddock and her husband Kurt were charged with assaulting a poor defenseless guy eating a meal?”

“I just might take the chance.” Kurt growls.

“Go ahead, do it.  The public may be sympathetic, hell maybe even Sasha would be sympathetic.  But you’d also miss what I have to say.  And trust me, you want to hear what I have to say.”

Kurt tenses up and balls up his fists as if preparing for a fight.  Glory grabs him by his wrist to get his attention. “Don’t do it, Kurt.”

Kurt looks down at Glory who shakes her head. “Don’t do it.  Just let him sit down.  We’ll hear him out and then we’ll call the authorities if we have to.”

Kurt doesn’t like this idea.  He doesn’t trust Clyde at all.  Neither does Glory but she feels that hearing him out is the best idea for now.  Kurt does trust his wife so he’ll let her have her way.

“Ok, you win.” Kurt sits back down.  Clyde laughs as he pulls up a seat at the table and sits down next to Kurt.

“You got him whipped, Glory!  Good job!”

“I would ask how you found us but it’s clear that you’ve been stalking us.” Braddock states.  Sutter nods his head.

“You’re right.  There’s no use denying it.  I have been following you since Breakdown in Nashville.  It’s easy to keep up with where you’ll be when you wrestle for SCW and their schedule is available to the public.”

“And since you said that, since you have basically admitted to stalking my husband and I, and based upon your past, I could probably get a restraining order on your ass.”

“You could.” Clyde nods his head. “But again, you wouldn’t get to hear what I have to say.”

“You keep saying that and thus far I’ve heard not a damn thing from your pathetic trap!” Glory exclaims.  “I am giving you a chance to say your peace you son of a bitch and after that I am going to get a restraining order put out on you.  You will be out of our lives for good.  But if you keep it up, I might just let Kurt have his way with you first.”

“No you won’t.” He shakes his head and looks oh so cocky and smug.

“Do you want to try me, mate?”

“I don’t need to try you.  And your cunt whipped boy toy won’t do anything to me.  And we are far from being done with each other.  You won’t be done with me and I won’t be out of your life until I say this is over.” He taps the side of his head. “See, I know things.  And you know what they say, knowledge is power.”

“What the bloody hell are you rambling on about?!” She exclaims, The British Bombshell is losing her patience with Clyde Sutter who continues to talk cryptically.

“Fucking your daughter on a weekly basis for months on end was bloody fantastic not only for the pleasure and the thrill but also because of what I learned.  The secrets she entrusted me with.  So yeah, go ahead and tell your boy Kurt to kick my ass.  Do it.  Sasha may forgive that.  The people would forgive it.  But what if they found out about your teenage alcohol and drug use?  Or what if they found out about how you were at one point declared mentally unstable and that’s why you lost control of your own damn company?”

Braddock is taken off guard by hearing about these dark and dirty secrets of her past; a past she wished would just go away.  These secrets keep coming back to haunt her and they have here again come back to bite her in the ass.  The British Bombshell steels herself and tries to respond as confidently as she can.

“Those were my faults.  That was my past.  I will deal with it.”

“That’s quite noble of you.  But what about your daughter?”

“Don’t you dare bring Melinda into this!” Glory growls.

“Why not?  She’s a thief and she’s done drugs.”

“You encouraged her to steal.  You provided the drugs!” Glory exclaims.

“But you can’t prove it.  And imagine if the world found out about this.  Just think about your daughter’s future.  Hell, she may not have one.  She wants to follow in your footsteps but with the secrets I know, I could get her blackballed.”

Braddock wants to keep standing firm and resolute.  She doesn’t want to give in to Clyde but unfortunately she sees no other recourse.  Glory isn’t concerned so much for her future as she is about her daughter’s.  Melinda wants to follow in her mother’s footsteps but these secrets could potentially ruin her.  Kurt is already fuming and wants to knock Clyde on his ass but he is holding back.  Even he realizes that there may be no other way.

“What do you want, Sutter?” Glory asks.

“You are an elitist, you know that?” He says, his voice growing angrier. “People like you don’t know what it’s like to have to fight and claw to become successful in life.  Every God damn thing you have right now you have had it handed to you on a silver fucking platter and why?  Did you do anything to earn it or deserve it?”

He shakes his head. “Nah, you got it because your last name is Braddock.  People like me rarely make it be cause we don’t have the advantages you have.  And I tried to go about things the right way.  I tried to make it in wrestling by going through your fucking school but you kicked me out.  So this is what we’re going to do.  You have connections, Braddock, and you are going to use those connections to get me an iron clad contract with Supreme Championship Wrestling.  Or hell, if you don’t want me wrestling with the same company as you, then I can settle for EMERGE.  I’m sure you can suck Drew Bryant’s dick enough to convince him.  Or toss Sasha’s salad up one end and down the other.  Or if all else fails, I know for a fucking fact you can get me the kind of iron clad contract I want with GCW.”

“You want to wrestle?” Glory asks.

“Yeah, that’s what I want.  You told me I didn’t belong in this sport, so you’re going to be the one to guarantee I not only get in but that I get a damn good contract.  You do that, and then I’ll forget all about those naughty little secrets of yours.”

Clyde Sutter stands up.  He looks at Kurt and then at Glory. “You think about that and get back to me.  Enjoy the drinks.”

Glory and Kurt watch as Clyde Sutter walks away.  Once he is out of sight Kurt turns to his wife and asks the inevitable question. “So what do we do?”

“The only thing we can do Kurt.” She sighs. “We give him what he wants.”

July 17th, 2019
Houston, TX
Off Camera

A somber mood has fallen over the hotel room in Houston, Texas where Glory Braddock is preparing to leave for the Toyota Center for SCW Breakdown.  The British Bombshell woke up almost two hours ago from a nap and has changed into denim jeans, white sneakers, and a black “SCW” t-shirt.  Her long blonde hair hangs unrestrained to shoulder length.  Truthfully, it may be a little early for most of the wrestlers to arrive, but Glory Braddock has never been like most wrestlers.  She always preferred to arrive at the arena early so that she could meditate on what is expected of her that evening.  The British Bombshell knows what is expected of her; in a few days she will be challenging Syren and Alistaire Allocco for the SCW World Championship in the main event of Rise To Greatness.

That’s Sunday in Dallas, Texas.  Right now Glory Braddock her support system, which includes her husband Kurt Logan and daughter Melinda Braddock, are all distracted by the elephant in the room.  An elephant that they thought they had rid themselves of but who has made it perfectly clear he isn’t going away quietly.

His name is Clyde Sutter.

Braddock stands completely still in front of a mirror hanging on a wall in the hotel room.  She has been staring at herself for a few minutes now.  No, she isn’t still trying to decide if she looks ok or not.  She’s just lost in thought.  Her own mind is adrift.

“Take a picture.  It’ll last longer.”

The voice is that of Kurt Logan and it only startles Glory just a little bit.  She spots him in the mirror approaching, having just exited the bathroom.  He wraps his arms around her and kisses her gently on the cheek.

“What’s wrong, Glory?”

“You know what’s wrong, Kurt.” Braddock states quietly.

“Sutter.” Braddock nods her head. “I normally trust your judgment but this time I have to question your call.”

“I don’t want to go through this again…” Glory’s voice trails off as she pulls away from her husband and approaches the king sized bed.  Glory sits down on the edge of the bed.  Kurt approaches her and sits down next to her.  Her wraps a comforting arm around her shoulders.

“I think we should.” Kurt states. “You’re letting him blackmail you.  You’re letting him have his way.”

“What other choice do I have?”

“Fight back.” Kurt insists.  Braddock shakes her head.

“No.  You heard what he said; he could ruin things for Melinda.  I refuse to let mistakes from my past ruin her future.  It’s not her fault and so she shouldn’t have to pay for it.”

“Don’t you think Melinda should have a say in this matter?” Kurt asks.  Braddock arches her brow inquisitively. “Have you even told Melinda?”

“No.” Braddock sighs. “Did you?”

“You told me you were going to tell her so I never said anything.  But seriously, Glory, you should tell Melinda about this and get her input.”

“Do you really think she needs to hear this?” Braddock asks. “She may still be traumatized over what Sutter tried to do to her and now to hear that he’s back in our lives…”

“Yeah, I know.” Kurt says with a sigh. “But she would find out about it eventually anyway.  Besides, our daughter is just like her mother; she is tough as hell and she can take it.”

“You think so?” Glory asks, smiling for the first time in a long time.

“I know so.” Kurt kisses her on the lips before standing up. “I’m going to go downstairs and pull the car around.  Melinda should be back up here shortly.  She went downstairs to get a drink.”

“Sounds good.” Braddock nods her head. “I’ll tell her when she gets back.”

Kurt nods his head and then turns and walks off towards the door.  He opens the door and shuts it behind him.  This leaves Glory Braddock alone in the hotel room to contemplate; to think.  She really does hate having to give in to Clyde Sutter like this but at the same time she cares deeply about her daughter’s future.  She doesn’t want to see her daughter Melinda ruined and she would do anything and sacrifice anything to help her.  Family is the most important thing to Glory Braddock.  It is far more important than any of the championships she has won in her professional wrestling career.  The British Bombshell sits there on the bed, thinking about things to come when she hears the door open.

“Mom!” It’s Melinda.  Glory looks up in time to see her eighteen year old daughter approaching her with a can of pepsi in her hand. “Dad said you needed to talk to me.  What’s up?”

“Sit down, Melinda.” Braddock says, patting the side of the bed next to her.  Melinda has seen her mother like this; when something has gone wrong.  She can only guess at what is wrong now.  Melinda sits down next to her mother and stares into her eyes.

“What’s wrong, mom?”

Braddock takes in a deep breath and then lets it out, all to calm her nerves.  It’s now or never. “You remember last night Kurt and I went out.”

“Uh-huh,” Melinda nods her head.

“We saw Clyde Sutter there.”

Melinda’s eyes immediately grow wide.  A sense of fear passes through her as memories of when she was assaulted back in Nashville come flooding back.

“Oh God…” are the only words the younger Braddock can muster.  Glory just simply nods her head.

“There was no physical altercation.  He wanted to talk; and what we wanted to talk about wasn’t good.”

“What did he want?” Melinda asks.

“He wanted me to get him a wrestling contract; somewhere, anywhere, it didn’t matter to him.  He just wanted a wrestling contract and if he didn’t get a wrestling contract he threatened to reveal all of our secrets.  From my own past sins to yours…”

“Oh no, oh no, oh no!” Melinda repeats, shaking her head. “This can’t be happening!  Blackmail?!”

“Yes.  Blackmail.” Glory answers with a sigh as she nods her head.

Melinda buries her face in her hands as she tries to regain composure.  Glory wraps a comforting arm around her daughter’s shoulders and pats her on the back.  Melinda looks back up at her mother.

“What are you going to do?”

“The only thing I can do.” Glory shrugs her shoulders. “I’m going to get him what he wants.”

“You’re giving up?!” Melinda exclaims with a hint of surprise.  It takes Glory aback but she just shrugs and gives her daughter the same response she gave Kurt.

“What choice do I have?”

“What can he do to us?  Really?!”

“He can do plenty.” Glory says sadly. “He threatened to use this information to keep you from ever getting a foothold in the wrestling business.”

The British Bombshell reaches out and runs a hand through her daughter’s long blonde hair. “This isn’t about me, sweetie.  This is about you.  Your future is at stake here and I do not want to let him ruin it.  I will not let my past come back to hurt you.”

“But it’s not just your past, it’s my past too!” Melinda exclaims. “I was the one who stole, I did the drugs, all of that was me!  He may have encouraged it, he may have influenced me and manipulated me, but ultimately I made the decision to do it and I need to take responsibility for my actions!”

Melinda stands up and stares down at her mother. “Can’t you see?  Everything that has happened to us, both of us, lately is largely because we both have been trying to run away from our past.  We may be able to get away from it this one time with Clyde but what happens the next time?  It will come back to haunt us again and you know it.  It’s time we faced our past, dealt with our demons, and maybe then we can truly move on.”

Tears flow down the eyes of The British Bombshell as she stares at her daughter.  Braddock stands up and embraces Melinda in a tight hug. “As a parent I’m supposed to teach you, yet here you are teaching me a thing or two.”

They break the embrace and Glory pats her on the head. “I’m so proud of you, Mel.  You have matured so much.”

“So you’re not giving in to Clyde?”

“No way.” Braddock shakes her head. “No chance in hell.”

July 17th, 2019
Houston, TX
Off Camera

SCW Breakdown in the Toyota Center has just concluded.  The rushed movement of fans pouring out of the arena is most definitely hectic but it is equally as hectic backstage as officials and wrestlers alike are packing things up to move on to the next scheduled calendar appearance.  There is also a hint of excitement in the air amongst the SCW employees, because the next scheduled calendar appearance is none other than SCW Rise To Greatness weekend.

A Hall of Fame ceremony Friday, a pre-show Saturday, and finally the big finale on Sunday, all in Dallas, Texas.  The biggest night of SCW’s calendar year is also the night where one can make a major impact and instantly make a name for themselves.  It is the night when the spotlight shines down the brightest upon everyone.  The British Bombshell Glory Braddock is used to the spotlight but this seems to carry even more weight as she realizes what is at stake; for her it is the SCW World Championship, for SCW honor and pride are on the line as Braddock fights for the honor and pride of what wrestling, she feels, should be all about.

Glory Braddock walks with a confident air about her through the backstage area of the Toyota Center, her daughter Melinda to her right and her husband Kurt to her left.  She knows the challenge ahead of her will be great but she is ready to take it on.

“Are you ready, mom?”

“Of course I’m ready.” Braddock says with a smirk. “You know who your mother is, right?  Best in the World!  I can take Syren and Allocco!”

Melinda rolls her eyes at her mother’s boasting.  Kurt chuckles and Glory looks over at him. “What’s so funny?”

“I don’t think Melinda was referring to your Rise To Greatness match, babe.”


Glory’s voice trails off as it starts to sink in as to what her daughter was truly referring to.  Clyde Sutter.  Braddock knew that he was in the area.  He had openly admitted last night that he had been following them, stalking them, just so he could play even more mind games with them and then spring his blackmail upon them.  He threatened to reveal dirty secrets about Glory and Melinda and ruin their reputation, and potentially ruin Melinda’s chances at gaining a wrestling contract, unless Glory herself helped Clyde Sutter obtain what he called an ‘iron clad’ contract to wrestle.

The British Bombshell looks down at her daughter as a reminder of yet another reason she fights; she fights not for herself but for people like Melinda, for the next generation of wrestlers.  It is for people like Melinda that Glory fights at Rise To Greatness, to preserve professional wrestling for people like her.  And if she needed to give in to Clyde Sutter in order to preserve Melinda’s future, she was willing to do so.

But not anymore.

“Melinda, I am ready.”

“Are you sure he’ll be here?” Kurt asks inquisitively.

“Honestly, I have no bloody clue.” Braddock sighs. “I hope so.”

“He will.” Melinda says nervously.

Glory Braddock had arranged to meet Clyde Sutter after Breakdown tonight.  Melinda still had his phone number and thus it was easy to reach him.  Braddock is almost certain he will show up, despite the doubts she expressed, but she isn’t quite sure of what will happen when she gives him the bad news.

“Well if he does show up,” Glory stops and turns to face Melinda “I want to handle this.  By myself.”

“But mom!” Melinda protests.

“No, I do not want to put you in any danger.” Glory shakes her head.

“Are you sure you don’t want someone out there with you as backup?” Kurt asks.  “You know, in case it gets ugly?”

Braddock smirks. “I think I can handle anything that bloke has to throw at me, Kurt.  Besides, you need to protect Melinda.”

“I don’t need protecting!” Melinda continues her protest. “I can handle myself!  I…”

“NO!” Glory exclaims. “I am putting my foot down on this one.  And I think you know that this is for the best.”

Glory walks on with Kurt and Melinda following, the rest of the walk through the backstage area is in complete silence.  All three can feel the tension grow as they near the parking lot area, for it is there that they know Glory is to meet up with Clyde Sutter.  Eventually they do reach the exit and make their way outside into the parking lot.  Kurt spots the rental car where they last left it.  No Clyde.

“Didn’t he tell you he would wait by the car?” Kurt asks.

“Over here, loser!” Clyde snickers, waving mockingly at the trio.  Clyde is standing not too far away from where they are now.  He begins to approach.  Glory looks over at Melinda and Kurt.

“Go to the car.”

“But mom…”


Kurt takes Melinda by the arm.  He nearly has to drag her but he does manage to get her away from the pending scene.  Clyde Sutter approaches Glory.  He looks over at Kurt and Melinda walking away and then looks back at Glory with a sly grin on his face.

“What’s wrong?  You don’t want the ball and chain or your mini whore to see you show how weak you truly are?  Because I just think that’s disappointing.  I think they should watch you fail.”

“I won’t fail them, Sutter.  I will never fail them.”

“Is that so?” He nearly spits those words out with venom. He holds up one finger. “There is only one way you do not fail them and that is to give me what I want.  That being said, let’s get down to business shall we?”

He laughs nastily. “So what’s it gonna be?  I want to know when and where I make my professional wrestling debut.  Will it be at this dump you’re competing in right now, SCW?  The dump’s little bitch EMERGE?  Or will it be your glorious little shit stain GCW?  Where do I make my debut?  Because if I don’t get what I want, I will ruin you.  I will ruin that little whore of yours over there.  Everything you know and love will be ruined.”

He taps Braddock on the nose. “And that’s all you elitist pieces of crap care about, right?  Your image.  That’s what you love.  And I’ll ruin it for you.”

“Funny you should say all that, Clyde.” Braddock begins with a confident grin of her own. “I’ve done some thinking and maybe you’re right, maybe I have been a little elitist in the past.  Only an elitist would care so much about their public image that they would be afraid of it being tarnished. An elitist would also be afraid to face up to the consequences of their own past.  But me?”

She shakes her head. “I am through being elitist.  I am going to own my past, Sutter.  So go ahead, tell the world everything you know.  See if I care.”

Clyde’s face contorts as his anger grows.  He is beginning to realize that Glory isn’t here to negotiate.  He points over at Kurt and Melinda. “What about the whore?!  Huh?!  You gonna let the whore suffer for your mistakes?!”

“I own my mistakes, just as Melinda is prepared to own her mistakes.  We’re not letting our fear own us any longer.  So go ahead Clyde, do your worst.”

Sutter quickly grabs Braddock by her throat. “With pleasure!”

“Mom!” Melinda sees her mother being squeezed by the throat, the vice like grip Clyde has on her mother.  She gets away from Kurt and manages to get to Clyde and Glory.  Unfortunately Sutter is too quick and he shoves Glory away, causing her to stagger backward.  Clyde thrusts a knee into Melinda’s gut, dropping her to her knees.

“Melinda!”  Glory runs over to check on her daughter.  Kurt chases after Clyde but Sutter has already gotten a head start and is quicker than Kurt.

“This isn’t over Braddock!” Kurt continues to give chase while The British Bombshell and thoroughly worried mother kneels down to make sure Melinda is ok.

“Are you ok?”

“He just knocked the wind outta me.” Melinda coughs. “I’ll live.”

“Damn it, Mel!” Braddock exclaims. “I told you to stay back!”

“I didn’t want him to hurt you.”

Glory embraces her daughter in a tight hug.  The embrace seems to last a long time as the two do not want to break.  Eventually they hear footsteps approaching.  They break the embrace and look up to see Kurt Logan approaching. 

“He was too fast.  The bastard got away.” Kurt remarks angrily.

“It’s fine, just leave it be.” Glory says quietly. “Forget about him.  He holds no power over us any longer.”

“We could easily press charges now.” Kurt suggests. Glory though shakes her head. “No…”

“Why not?” Kurt asks curiously. “From stalking to blackmail and tonight assault.  There’s enough to at least get a restraining order.”

“And maybe we’ll do that.  Maybe.  But I don’t want to press charges.”

“But Glory…” Kurt is interrupted when Melinda speaks up.

“No!  Mom is right!” Melinda exclaims as she and Glory rise back to their feet.  “Let’s just forget about that jackass!”

“Yes, let’s forget about him.” Glory kisses her daughter on the forehead. “Let’s move on and focus on the future; the next generation depends upon it.”

Kurt does disagree with his wife on this one but he knows better than to argue with her when her mind is made up.  Besides, he’s outnumbered.  Melinda agrees with her.  Maybe they have a point?  Maybe it is time to move on past this horrible event and just focus on their own future?  And for Glory Braddock and her family, the future appears to be very bright.

On Camera

The camera feed begins to roll and immediately we notice that we are in the same arena from earlier.  Still empty, still dark with barely enough light to make out that this is an arena set up for a professional wrestling event.  After a few moments of wait the spotlight turns on and shines down upon the wrestling ring.  Glory Braddock is standing in the center of the ring, still dressed to compete, and still looking confident.

“Professional wrestling means different things to different people.  For some it is all about the fame and the glory.  Others are in it for the rush and the thrill or the loud cheers they hear from the fans that fill these seats every week.  Still others look at this just as a job, a career; a way to make money and nothing more.  But me?  For me professional wrestling is about so much more than any of that.”

“This great sport is a family business. My father is Glenn Braddock who was respected as one of Europe’s greatest warriors until his retirement.  My daughter wants to follow in my footsteps and become the third generation of Braddock family members to compete within the squared circle.  My cousins are Angelica and Kayla Jones, former two time SCW World Tag Team Champions known as The Sisterhood.  Then there’s me, The British Bombshell, a woman who has been all over the world competing in this very ring for eleven plus years.  In that time I have had the distinct honor and privilege of competing against some of the best wrestling talents ever on some of the grandest stages ever.  Now I get to step onto quite possibly THE grandest stage of them all and compete against one of the most decorated champions in the history of Supreme Championship Wrestling.  I should feel honored.”

The British Bombshell shakes her head. “Unfortunately that feeling of honor has to take a backseat because there is a higher, greater priority right now and that is restoring integrity and honor to the SCW World Championship.  Fighting for the very honor and integrity of the SCW World Championship takes priority.”

“Tell me something, Syren; what does professional wrestling mean to you?  I mean, surely it must mean something to you.  You march your happy ass out to the ring every week and declare yourself to be the best professional wrestler in the world.  So surely this great sport of ours must mean something to you, am I right?”

A sad sigh escapes Braddock’s lips. “I fear that this sport no longer means a damn thing to you.  Based on events that go all the way back to you and your group of posers framed Kennedy Street in an intricate plot to steal the world championship, manipulating and using Marie Jones, and using every dirty trick in the damn playbook all to maintain power and control within this company, based on all of that, I would dare say that you no longer give a damn about anything else or anyone else except yourself.  You are selfish and self-absorbed.  You’re damn sure not the best professional wrestler in the world.  And you admitted as much yourself.”

A smirk spreads across her face as Braddock nods her head. “That’s right, Syren.  Your own words betrayed you.  You are not the best wrestler in the world and you admitted it.  You admitted it when you came out here with your other clowns and crowed about how you always have a plan.  You see, the best in the world can win the championship and keep the championship without having to come up with any cute backup plan or strategy or receive illegal assistance from those twats you call friends.  Yet there you were, standing out here like the buffoon you bloody well are, and declared to all the world that you can’t remain SCW World Champion without help.”

“Unlike you, you plastic ass brasser, I do not need any help to win.  I have never needed any outside help, legal or illegal; everything I have earned in my eleven year career including fourteen previous world championships from other companies, I have earned on my own.  Thus I think I can honestly say that I am one of it not The Best in the World.”

The British Bombshell points a finger at the camera. “But you?  No.  There was a time that I would’ve considered you an equal.  There was a time when you didn’t utilize tricks or chicanery to gain an unfair edge.  There was a time when you didn’t need your pals helping you out..  That Syren, the old Syren is one of the best wrestlers in the world.  But this sad pile of garbage I see in the ring on a weekly basis is the most pathetic wrestler in the world.” 

“What happened, mate?  Feeling disrespected?  Felt like you weren’t getting the opportunities you deserved so you decided to just take them by hook or by crook?  That’s the same old tired excuse everyone uses so don’t throw that shit at me.  You know what I think it really is?”

Braddock grins knowingly as she pauses, as if to give Syren time to think about it, before finally giving the answer…

“You were scared.  You saw the writing on the walls, you saw the changing landscape of SCW, and more importantly you saw youthful new talents like Peyton Rice, Owen Cruze, and so many others come in and you were scared about them taking your spot.  You can tell me I’m full of shit, I know you will, you and I both know that I am right.  And therein lies yet another reason why you can no longer lay claim to being the best in the world.  Those who are truly among the best in the world defend their throne.  They defend their claim to that crown each and every time they set foot inside of a wrestling ring.  But you don’t give them a fair chance.  You cheat.  You cheat because you are unsure of yourself.”

“Now you are no longer special, you are no longer unique, and you are damn sure no longer the best.  You are just like any other tyrannical leader, cowering on her throne because she knows that her citizens, her countrymen, are rising up against her.  And that’s what you’re fighting to protect.  You are fighting to protect something that no longer belongs to you because you are unworthy.  You are unworthy because you do not respect the sport.  You are unworthy because you do not respect others in this sport, only yourself.  You are unworthy because you cannot keep the throne by yourself.  You said so yourself.”

“Since you are unworthy someone needs to step up and take that championship away from you.  You escaped Sienna Swann because hell, she isn’t much better than you.  You would have escaped Alistaire Allocco because, quite frankly, he is too naive and wouldn’t be prepared for the crap you were going to pull.  But someone like me, who has been in this sport for eleven years, competing against everyone from monsters, technical marvels, high flyers, and brilliant strategists, and beaten them all, someone who has had to fight tyrants with their own miniature armies backing them up, someone like me with that kind of experience is the only person capable of tearing that SCW World Championship away from your hands.  You know why?”

A confident smirk spreads across her face. “Because I am The Best in the World.”

“February, when Regan, Kellen, and myself won the Trios Tournament, I warned your bloody ass that I was going to change the game.  I warned you that I would shake the foundations of SCW.  And I also remember saying that it would be morning again in SCW.  Well morning is coming oh so quickly which means the dark of night which has been your reign as SCW World Champion is coming to an end.  Rise To Greatness isn’t just the premier event on SCW’s calendar and it isn’t going to be your night to shine.  Rise To Greatness is going to be your judgment day.  Sic Semper Tyrannis…”

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