Sunday, December 15, 2019

Fork in the Road

December 5th, 2019
Miami, Florida
Off Camera

The sun is bright and shining overhead on this gorgeous day in Miami, Florida.  The beauty of the day is just one avenue The British Bombshell utilizes to try and forget about the problems plaguing her.  Another way to relax and gain some amount of comfort is to take a nap by the pool in her home in Miami, Florida.  The blonde haired beauty is wearing a hot pink string bikini while lying on a purple beach towel by the modestly sized pool.  Dark sunglasses shade her eyes from the brilliant rays of the sun.  Braddock certainly is comfortable right now, she definitely enjoys the warmth of the sun’s rays shining down upon her, but she knows that this is but merely a distraction from the problems of her wrestling career, distractions that she does not need right now.

Braddock stares up into the beautiful Florida sky through the shade of her sunglasses.  This is not just a distraction, it is also peaceful and calming.  It is allowing her to clear her mind so that she can think things through more clearly and come up with a resolution of what to do and where to go from here.

It all goes back to the starting point, the Trios Tournament.  The British Bombshell, Regan Street, and Kellen Jeffries had promised to win the tournament not for themselves, not out of selfish reasons, but for all of SCW.  They had promised to make waves of righteousness, impacts of good that would be felt throughout the company.  Glory Braddock knew from the moment her team was victorious in the Trios Tournament what she would do with her Trios Contract; she wanted to use her contract to restore honor and dignity back to the SCW World Championship.   She wanted to dethrone Syren and she wanted to do it on the grandest stage of them all…

...Rise To Greatness.

No, she didn’t win the World Championship that night, but Syren did lose the title.  That is a silver lining, right?  She tried to convince herself of this but the more she thinks about it, the more she is beginning to question her own motives.  Did she really want to just dethrone Syren?  If that is the case she should have been happy for Alistaire Allocco and his victory at Rise To Greatness.  Yet to this day she is still bothered by what she views as a failure.  Braddock’s next opportunity at the title came at Under Attack in the elimination chamber.  Once again Syren failed to capture the title.  That should be a silver lining, right?  Yet again, Glory feels disappointed.

If you ask her closest of friends and allies, those who know her such as Sophie O’Brian and Brittany Lohan, they suggest that Glory Braddock is fooling herself.  Many of her friends no longer trust her motives.  Glory herself isn’t certain what her true motives are.

The blonde removes her sunglasses, places them on the towel, and then stands up.  She approaches the edge of the pool and then dives in.  Upon coming up, Braddock begins to swim a lap around the pool.  Swimming is yet another way she can clear her head.  She wants to figure this out for herself.  Has she been fooling herself?  Was Sophie and Lohan right all along?  After completing an entire lap she hears the door to her home opening and then shutting.  She watches and eventually spots her husband, Kurt Logan, emerging poolside in his swimming trunks.

“I thought I’d find you here.” He says, smiling warmly down at his lovely wife. “You’ve been out here quite a long time, babe.”

“Maybe I have…” Glory’s voice trails off as she reaches up with her right hand “...want to help me out?”

“Sure.” Kurt shrugs and reaches down to take her hand but before he can do anything else, Braddock smirks as she grabs his hand with her other hand and with both hands pulls as hard as she can, eventually overpowering him and pulling him into the pool with her.  The British Bombshell is laughing hysterically, watching as eventually Kurt pops back up to the surface.  He, too, is laughing, despite being all well...literally and figuratively…

“Damn, Glory…” Kurt spits water at his wife “...what was that about?”

“Just trying to have some fun, that’s all!”

“Pulling me into the pool is your idea of fun?”

“Yeah…” Glory says with a playful wink “...and now don’t go pouting on me, love.  You came out here wearing your swimming trunks.  You were planning on going for a dip anyway, I just sped that along a little.”

“Fair enough.” Kurt says, nodding his head.

The British Bombshell is giggling uncontrollably as she motions to the other side of the pool. “Want to race?”

“Race you?  You’re on!”

“Excellent.” Glory says as she gets ready at the edge of the pool.  Kurt does so as well. “Ready, set…”

Kurt takes off before Glory can say go.  “HEY!” Braddock exclaims as she quickly bursts into action, trying to make up for lost ground.  It isn’t long until Glory does make up the ground but it isn’t enough as Kurt Logan gets to the other end of the pool first, but he doesn’t beat his wife by much.  It doesn’t stop him from gloating, however.

“I won!” He declares victoriously.  Glory rolls her eyes.

“Yeah, because you cheated.” She spits water at him just as he did earlier. Kurt and his wife share a hearty laugh.

“I’m happy to see that you haven’t completely lost your sense of humor, Glory.” Kurt states.  This odd remark causes The British Bombshell to furrow her brow out of confusion.

“What do you mean by that?”

Kurt motions to the other end of the pool. “Race you back and if you beat me I’ll tell you.”


Kurt and Glory both get in position.  “Ready, set….GO!”

This time neither Braddock nor Logan cheat.  And just like the last one, it is a close race.  And just like last time it is neck and neck at the very end but this time the outcome is different.  Without the cheating to give him an unfair advantage, Kurt falls just short of his wife who gets to the other side of the pool before him.  She points a finger at him and begins her own gloating.

“Beat you, mate!  Take that!”

“Yes, yes you did.” Kurt says with a chuckle.  He places his hands on the edge of the pool and then pulls himself up out of the water and sits on the edge.  He reaches his hand out and offers it to Glory, who smirks in response but doesn’t take the hand right away.

“Aren’t you afraid I’ll pull you in again?”

“I’m not afraid of you, babe.” Kurt says with a wry grin.  Glory sighs as she accepts the hand.  Kurt pulls her up out of the water and she takes a seat next to him on the edge of the pool.  The British Bombshell turns her attention towards Kurt, cocks her head to one side, and stares at him curiously.

“Back there you said you were glad I hadn’t lost my sense of humor.  What did you mean by that?”

Kurt takes a deep breath and sighs.  Clearly this is a difficult, touchy subject.  His wife is strong and independent and he doesn’t want to sound like he is being too clingy, yet at the same time he is concerned about her.  He isn’t the only one either.  “You have been out here almost all day, Glory.”

“What can I say?  It’s a lovely day outside.”

“Yes, it is.” Kurt nods his head in agreement. “Problem is, there are many beautiful days here in Miami but you don’t spend nearly the amount of time outside just lounging around at the pool as you have done today.”

“I haven’t?” Glory asks, playing dumb.  It’s the only card she has left to play at this point.  She realizes Kurt is onto her.

“You are a very busy woman, Gloria.  Sometimes you are on a conference call with Tabatha Silverstone, Francis Taylor, or other high ranking members of Global Championship Wrestling, the company you own.  Sometimes you are on the phone with Randall Williams as he updates you on what’s going on at the Braddock Wrestling School, the gym that you own.  Most of your day is spent preparing for whatever professional wrestling match you are booked in.  The little free time you do have you try to spend it with your family.”

“I see where this is going.” Braddock says quietly.  She looks over at the home, a home where she lives with her husband Kurt, her daughter Melinda, and Glory’s mother Mary.  She turns and looks back at Kurt. “They sent you to get me, didn’t they?”

“We’re all worried about you, Gloria.” Kurt says as he places a concerned, comforting hand upon her shoulder. “This isn’t like you.”

The British Bombshell must admit that her husband is right.  This isn’t normal for her.  Then again, none of this has been normal for her.  She is used to success and lately she has to wonder, has she been successful?  But that goes back to the question regarding her motives.  What is success for Glory Braddock?  The blonde turns, looks over at her husband, and shakes her head.

“No, it isn’t like me.  Not at all.”

“What’s wrong?” Kurt asks with genuine loving concern in his voice.

“Kurt, I have been in this sport a long time.  I started in 2008 as my dad’s star pupil but now look at me; I run his school, I own my own company, and I am a fourteen time world champion.  I have more than exceeded my dad’s expectations and accomplishments.  My dad was Britain’s Best?  It didn’t even take a full decade before I became The Best in the World.  Then I decided to join Supreme Championship Wrestling and you know me better than anyone else, Kurt.  You know that I do not choose to take on any challenge halfway.  I did not choose to take on the challenge of SCW just to be treated like any other wrestler because I am not just like any other wrestler.  I throw all of my heart and soul into what I do, you know this.”

Kurt nods his head in agreement.  He knows just how passionate his wife is about this sport, a sport that she literally was born and raised in.  He can see the passion and fire in her eyes as she talks about professional wrestling and SCW in particular.

“Every single time I fight in that ring, I fight for what I believe is right.  That may be as simple as two competitors battling to prove who is the better athlete on that night or it may be fighting for a cause greater than myself.  Sic Semper Tyrannis, right?  Thus always to tyrants.  I challenged Giovanni Aries and his Wonderland wankers who tried to ruin Konrad Raab.  I took on Casterillo when he thought he could bully his way into getting whatever he wanted.  And then I won a Trios Contract.  I could have used it on anything I wanted.  Anything at all, am I right?” Braddock shakes her head. “But I used it to give SCW the one thing it needed more than anything else; a world where Syren was not world champion.  And that happened…” her voice trails off, but she sounds somewhat disappointed.  Kurt notices this.

“That’s what you wanted, right?” He asks curiously. “At least, that’s what you told me.”

“I’m not sure it’s that simple anymore.  I mean, yes, that is what I wanted and for SCW’s sake I am glad it happened, but damn it I wish it had been me that got the job done at Rise To Greatness.” An angry glare forms on the blonde’s lovely face. “And I will never ever forgive Abigail Lindsay for how she cost me that night.”

Hatred is too kind a word for Kurt to use to describe the look on his wife’s face and the way she says those words.  But hatred is all he can think of; pure and unmitigated hatred.  He doesn’t mention it, though. “You got your revenge, though.”

“Yes, I beat her.  Peyton and I beat her and that jackass I helped train, Clyde Sutter.  We got our revenge but I’m still not happy.”

“Revenge rarely makes anyone happy or fulfilled.” Kurt points out.

“It should have made me feel a little better!” Glory exclaims. “I still feel like the lowest of the low creatures.  I still feel like garbage and why?  Do you want to know why?”

“That is kinda what I came out here for.” Kurt says with a chuckle, hoping his wife won’t snap at him for being sarcastic.  Luckily she doesn’t even notice the sarcasm in his voice.

“I’m questioning whether what I am doing is even worth it.  Think about it, Kurt, Syren and her pals orchestrated a multi-layered plan to frame Kennedy Street of a crime and steal the world championship.  From there that gang of thugs continued to orchestrate plan after plan to retain their power.  I busted my ass to help take their power away from them.  I busted my ass to get that championship away from Syren and yeah, I was disappointed that I didn’t win it myself, but at least she was no longer champion.  Then what does Sasha turn around and do?  She grants her more title opportunities.  Under Attack...Clarity…” Braddock rolls her eyes “...why did I even bother if she was going to be kept in that top spot anyway?”

Kurt isn’t quite sure what to say in order to make his wife feel better.  To be honest, she raises many good and valid points.  He has seen her this way before and when she gets this way, she is deadly.  She is dangerous.  He hopes she will calm down but until then he leans over and embraces her in a tight hug.  Upon breaking the hug he gazes lovingly into his wife’s eyes.

“Glory, you know what I am going to say, don’t you?” He states.  And in response Glory nods her head in the affirmative.

“You’re going to tell me not to let it get me down.  You’re going to tell me to keep doing my best because that’s what I do, am I right?”

“Pretty much.” Kurt says shrugging his shoulders.

“That sounds an awful lot like you’re telling me to just play the hand I was dealt.” The blonde shakes her head. “But that’s not what I do and you know it.”

“I know…” Kurt’s voice trails off.  The two are interrupted just then when the door to the home opens yet again.  Braddock and Kurt turn to see who it is and as it turns out it is Glory’s mother, Mary Ford, who joins them poolside.  She has a cordless phone in her hand.

“Mum, what’s up?” Glory asks curiously.

“You have a call, Gloria.”

Braddock turns and kisses Kurt on the lips. “Be right back, love.” With that, Glory stands up and approaches her mother.  She takes the cordless phone from her hand and puts it to her ear. “Hello?” Braddock’s eyes grow wide as she listens. “Angelica...I certainly wasn’t expecting you to reach out…”

December 9th, 2019
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

Family is very important to Glory Braddock.  This has become even more so now that her father, who at one point she had been close to but slowly drifted away from, passed away.  Glory Braddock recently made peace with her sister Chastity, whom she hadn’t spoken with in a very long time.  Family is most definitely important to The British Bombshell.  When she doubts herself, when she questions her own motives as she has been recently, she surrounds herself with family, for family more than anything else will help clear her mind and find the answers that she needs.  Still, despite this fact, it was a surprise to The British Bombshell that she would receive a call from her cousin Angelica Jones.

If there is any one person to whom family is more important than Glory, it may be Angelica Jones.  The redheaded Boston native has furiously fought to keep her family together, to ensure that her sister and their children would all remain supportive of one another through the toughest of times.  Even during difficult trials and tribulations when family members may disagree, Angelica would do her best to maintain peace.

The last time The British Bombshell spoke with her cousin was back in mid-October before Under Attack.  Angelica was trying to negotiate an alliance between Glory and Sienna heading into the chamber match for the SCW World Championship.  The alliance fell through due to Glory’s refusal to utilize a steel chair against James Evans.  Braddock wanted to beat him on her terms, not Sienna’s.  That wasn’t good enough for Sienna and thus she walked off, leaving Braddock to fend for herself.

Was Braddock foolish to trust Sienna?  Most would say yes, but Glory would argue that she never trusted Sienna.  She trusted Angelica.  Braddock didn’t expect her cousin to lead her astray.  Glory knew to expect that kind of action from Sienna but she gave her chance for the sake of her cousin Angelica.  She doesn’t feel betrayed by Sienna, she felt betrayed by Angelica.

Now, after two months, Glory has finally heard from Angelica and the two plan to meet up in her hometown of Boston, Massachusetts.  The British Bombshell is wearing tight black pants and black high heeled boots as well a red top that shows off her midriff.  She wears a denim jacket and her blonde hair hangs unrestrained to below her shoulders.  Braddock walks up towards her cousin Angelica’s home, in awe at its features.  All the newest features were built into the house with no sentimentality for the old ways. The windows were large to let in maximum light, but fashioned so well that the home stayed warm in the winter time. Every line was clean and straight, the colour scheme brown and silver. The roof line didn't peak in the centre as was the fashion in the previous decade, but instead sloped to the left. peaking a couple of meters from the edge.

Braddock approaches the front door and knocks.  Impatiently she waits, checking her watch, hoping Angelica will get here and let her in soon.  She starts to knock again but just as she balls up her fist to do so the door opens.  Inside the doorway she sees the famed Dragon, her cousin Angelica Jones.  The redhead is wearing a black skirt that falls to just below her knee, black high heeled patent leather pumps, and a floral print black blouse.  Her long red hair is pulled into a ponytail in the back.  A somewhat arrogant, smug even, look is etched across her face.

“Glory!  You’re here a little early, aren’t you?” Jones asks, looking at her own watch just as Glory was earlier.  Braddock isn’t as cheerful as Angelica is and just rolls her eyes in response.

“You should count yourself lucky I came, mate.” Braddock snaps back with a vile tone. “In fact, I only came because we are family.”

“And I do appreciate that…” Jones nods her head; she seems to understands what Glory is trying to say, she seems to understand that maybe she made a mistake in trying to force an alliance between Glory and Sienna.  The redhead steps aside and motions for Braddock to join her. “...come inside, Glory.  Let’s have this long overdue talk.”

The British Bombshell steps across the threshold, joining her cousin inside this large home.  Angelica shuts the door behind them and then motions for Glory to follow her through the hall and into the large, exquisite living room area.  Glory eyes Angelica cautiously.  She isn’t sure of her motives right now.  Why is she calling for this meeting and why does she have to do this here?  Why not say whatever it is she has to say over the phone?  Not that it matters, anyway.  Glory was wrestling in China over the weekend and making a stop in Massachusetts before going back down to Miami was not a problem at all.  Eventually Jones leads Braddock to a plush cream colored leather sofa.  Angelica motions for Glory to sit down and The British Bombshell obliges.  Angelica then sits down next to her.

“Thank you again for coming, Glory.” Angelica says, the smugness on her face and in her voice seeming to dissipate, replaced by sincerity. Braddock doesn’t seem to be thrilled just yet and she lets her feelings be known very quickly.

“Cut the crap, Angel. Like I said outside, you’re lucky I even came.  Hell, I’m still not even sure what is so bloody important that you had to say it to my face?  Why couldn’t this be done over the phone?”

“Think of the frequent flyer miles you’re racking up.” Jones says with a wink.  Glory is still unimpressed and she remains stoic.  Angelica sighs and nods her head. “Fine, I’ll get to the point.  I’m sorry…”

“What was that?” Glory had a feeling that this might be an apology of sorts.  She suspected it, at least.  She wants to hear it again.

“I said I’m sorry.” Angelica says with a sigh.  Clearly this is difficult for her to do, admitting that she was wrong. “I really did want to help but looking back at what I said, and looking back at what happened between you and Sienna, maybe I gave you the wrong advice.”

“So what you’re telling me is that Sienna isn’t the bloody saint you were trying to convince me she was?” Braddock rolls her eyes.  Angelica shakes her head in disagreement.

“I never said she was a saint.  But maybe pushing you to trust her just for my sake was a bad idea.  Let’s face it, this sport is cutthroat and we all look out for ourselves at the end of the day, including Sienna.  I think the question is who knows what is best for this business?” Jones points a finger at her cousin. “I have been watching you, Glory, and it is painfully obvious to me at least that you are confused.  You are unsure as to what you need to do and where you need to go from here.”

“What the bloody hell are you rambling on about, mate?” Glory asks with sarcasm and impatience dripping from her voice.  Angelica sighs and stands up.

“Just hold that thought.  I’ll be right back.”

The British Bombshell watches her cousin walk away into another room.  As she waits for her return she thinks about Angelica’s words.  Jones has always been a rather observant woman.  Still, for her to know that she is confused about where to go from here is rather amazing.  Then again, is it really all that amazing?  Maybe this has been obvious to everyone watching?  Braddock hopes not.  A few moments later Angelica returns with two full glasses of red wine.  She hands one to Glory before sitting back down.

“Look, I feel somewhat guilty about the predicament you’re in right now.  I feel responsible because I gave you some bad advice and I want to not only apologize and try to make things right between us but I also want to help.” Angelica takes a sip of her wine.  Glory watches her skeptically, unsure of her cousin’s motives, before taking a sip of her own wine.

“Is that it, then?”

“That’s it.” Angelica declares.  Braddock sighs; she is still skeptical.

“If it makes you feel better then I can tell you that we are good.  I forgive you, mate.” Braddock chuckles for the first time since arriving. “Hell, who am I kidding?  You’re family.  I can’t stay angry at you forever.”

“This is true!” Angelica holds her glass up for a toast and Glory clinks it.  They drink together in unison.  After taking her drink Glory sighs deeply.

“And you’re right.”

“Oh?” Angelica arches her brow.  Glory nods her head.

“I’m in some uncharted waters, so to speak.  For the first time in a long time I am unsure of myself.  I’m doubting myself.  Usually I would turn my dad and tell him and he’d offer the best advice, I’d turn things right around, and all would be well.”

“But you can’t do that anymore.” Angelica states pointedly.  She knows just as well as everyone else does that Glenn Braddock has passed on.  Glory’s father and longtime trainer is no more.  But if anyone understands where Glory is coming from, it would be Angelica.

“My mother died well over thirty years ago and not a day goes by that I do not think about her.  But you know what?  She’s always there for me and she is always there with me.” She touches herself on the chest. “In my heart.  And your father will always be there for you, Glory; in your heart.”

“Thanks, love.  I appreciate that.” Glory says through the tears that are now forming in her eyes.

“So, do you want some advice?” Angelica asks with a wink.  Glory smirks knowingly.

“Maybe, but why don’t you go get the rest of that bottle of wine.  We may need it.”

On Camera

The camera begins to roll in what appears to be a small, quaint, office.  It is uninviting and not so pleasant; clearly whoever calls this office home intends for this place to be a place of business and not one to be fancy or to show off.  The floors are a plain gray concrete.  There are filing cabinets against the wall and in the back is a dark brown wood desk with a laptop computer, closed, sitting on top.  A few moments later and we hear the sound of a door opening and then slamming shut.  The clicking of heels across concrete clues the viewer in to the fact that someone is arriving.  It isn’t long until our visitor, Glory Braddock, steps into full view.  The British Bombshell steps into view from stage right; she is wearing a little purple dress that hugs her every curve and matching purple high heeled patent leather pumps.  A confident grin is etched across her lovely face as she stares into the camera.

“Did everyone have their moment of Clarity?  Pun intended, of course.” Braddock approaches the desk, hops up onto it, and crosses her legs. “I know Peyton and I had our moment of Clarity.  We marched in and did exactly what we said we were going to do.  We took down Clyde Sutter and Abigail Lindsay.  Two troublemakers within SCW, two individuals who just want to watch the world burn, were burned themselves.  And now instead of going around over and over in the same pointless, endless cycle of violence and chaos that first began at Rise To Greatness when she cost me the world championship, I can finally move on to the next chapter in my SCW career.”

The British Bombshell tilts her head to one side and furrows her brow. “Oh but wait, that wasn’t the only moment of Clarity, was it?” She shakes her head. “At least it wasn’t for me. Ever since Clarity and the days that followed I have had time to think.  I thought about where I was in my career here with SCW because I knew Peyton and I were going to win and I wanted to plan out where I would go from here.  I have busted my ass ever since the Trios Tournament to try and do something for the betterment of SCW.  I won Trios alongside Regan and Kellen and I went on to use my contract at Rise To Greatness to take the championship away from Syren and guess what?  It happened.  Maybe not exactly the way I wanted it to happen but it happened.  She lost the title.  How are my efforts rewarded?”

Braddock pauses for a few moments as her face contorts into a scowl. “The number one enemy of SCW who I helped to ensure she lost at Rise To Greatness is then granted more and more opportunities to regain the title.  Clarity was supposed to clear the field and for a moment I was relieved that she had not been successful.  Now, thanks to Kellen Jeffires, Syren will receive yet another opportunity to regain the title.  My efforts thwarted yet again.”

The blonde haired beauty shrugs her shoulders. “I fought my bloody ass off for SCW and my efforts are thwarted time and time again by management while I am kept busy fighting the likes of Abigail Lindsay and now Tommy Valentine?”

“No more Ms. Nice Bombshell.” Glory smirks as she shakes her head with utter contempt and disappointment. “Now don’t get me wrong, that isn’t meant as a disrespect to you, Tommy.  You certainly have the resume of a top quality talent here in SCW.  You have done it all and have the talent to do it all again if you wanted to...IF you wanted to…”

The British Bombshell shakes her head and makes ‘tsk tsk’ noises. “See therein lies the problem with you, mate.  You’ve been content with being Kandis’s sidekick.  You’ve been content with the tag team division when you could be so much more than that.  I have been chasing the world championship and trying to make SCW a better place while you’re wasting away whatever is left of your career by chasing Kandis’s ass.”

“Even SCW is starting to lose its faith in you.  I hate to tell you this, Tommy, but the truth hurts sometimes; you’re not facing me because the company wants to give you a good opportunity against a great opponent, no you’re fighting me because I needed an opponent, no else was available, but you were.  In other words, you’ve become a journeyman.  You do know the term journeyman, right?  You hear the term journeyman in MMA, Boxing, and other forms of combat sport.  Anyone who follows sports of any kind should know but in case you’re ignorant I will spell it out for you. A journeyman is a competitor who is reliable but not outstanding.”

Braddock points a finger at the camera. “That’s you.  You used to be outstanding, you used to be great, but you’ve allowed yourself to be content with the position of playing second fiddle to others.  That’s one thing that pisses me off about you.  You have the potential to be something big, you’ve proven it before, but you’re content with where you are at.  Any true competitor should strive for bigger and better things. Any true competitor should fight like hell to win no matter what the circumstance, no matter what the situation, no matter who the opponent is.”

“Take me for instance.  Apocalypse, the event after Rise To Greatness, do you think I really wanted to fight Abigail?  No, I wanted Alistaire one on one for the title.  Or maybe even Syren one on one so I could have the opportunity to choke the bitch out just like I promised I would.  Instead I got Abigail but I fought my ass regardless.  Clarity, I would have loved to have been part of the Double Jeopardy Match for the title, or at least had a one on one match instead of a tag team match, but I did not put on a half-ass performance.  I still gave SCW and its fans and my tag team partner Peyton everything I had in my heart and my soul.  But you, Tommy?”

Glory shakes her head. “You’re a different creature altogether.  Like I said, you have the potential to be great and I mean that.  You have the potential to be one of the best in SCW but you only bring out that best, you only bring out that greatness when a championship is on the line. You can’t be bothered to put forth your best effort unless you have the promise of championship gold.  And that right there makes my blood boil even more.  There are competitors out there who bust their asses week in and week out just to try and get noticed, hoping to get their big break, but despite their very best efforts they are ignored.  All the while people like you slack off because you are too damn lazy to put forth any effort unless it becomes worth your while.”

The British Bombshell points at her eyes. “Look into my eyes, Tommy.  Look into my eyes and answer me this; am I worth your while?  Is it worth your while to put forth an effort against a fourteen time world champion?  Or because nothing sparkly and shiny is on the line are you going to half-ass your way through this match?  For your sake I hope it is the former and I hope you give me the fight of my life because you can believe me that I will fight you with all of my being, just like I do in each and every match I compete in, and that’s not good for you.  Anything less than your very best means I will smoke your ass, bitch.”

The scene fades to black.

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