Friday, July 19, 2019

The Next Generation: Part 11

July 13th, 2019
Murfreesboro, TN
Off Camera

A mother’s worst nightmare is losing her child.  Even if it is of the child’s own recognizance after they’ve grown up and want to make their own way in the world, it is still very challenging for a mother, or any parent for that matter, to let go of their child.  In the case of Melinda Braddock, she has left the safety and security of her mother’s home.  As far as Melinda is concerned, it is about freedom from the strict rules and restrictions that her mother, Glory Braddock, continues to pressure her with.  As far as Glory is concerned, this is one of the worst case scenarios.  Melinda did not go, find a house, find a job, all to make her own way and live on her own.  Melinda Braddock has “run away” with Clyde Sutter, a former student of the Braddock Wrestling School whom Glory is convinced is nothing but trouble and a legitimate threat to her daughter’s life.

Is that an exaggeration?  Melinda thinks so.  She is young and in love with the rebellious Clyde who was thrown out of the Braddock Wrestling School for being overly violent and aggressive on his fellow students and even the trainers.  Braddock would later catch the pair in the act of sexual intercourse, quickly realizing that Melinda had been sneaking out at night for this very purpose; to see Clyde.  The British Bombshell only shudders to think what they have done already and what they may do now that Melinda is outside of Glory’s control.

Control.  Perhaps that is the entire problem all along?  Glory Braddock is kicking herself for being overprotective and maybe even trying to control Melinda too much.  This control and overprotectiveness may have driven her daughter to run away with Clyde Sutter and now she is in danger but there’s nothing Glory can do about it.

They say misery loves company and while she doesn’t wish misery upon anyone else, she definitely wants someone to talk to and listen to her problems.  No one better to serve that purpose than one’s own family.  And since Supreme Championship Wrestling is hosting a House Show in Tennessee later, The British Bombshell decided to call her cousin, fellow SCW roster member AngelicaJones, and arrange to meet at a local bar.

This particular establishment is known as The Bar Louie and it is hundreds of conversations told in loud voices, all of them competing with the country and western music that dominates the atmosphere.  Braddock isn’t quite used to this style of music.  It isn’t exactly her favorite but it will have to do.  Angelica, on the other hand, is quite used to it.  In fact, she seems to be enjoying it, based upon the smile on her face and the rocking back and forth that seems to be going to the beat of the music.

“Don’t know how you can handle this stuff…” Glory remarks, her voice trailing off as she and her cousin try to make their way through the crowds and towards the bar area, where Glory had earlier spotted a few seats.

“Stuff?  You mean the music?” Angelica asks with wry grin.

“If you want to call it that.”

“Well yes, I think I do want to call it music.  Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it bad.” Jones winks at her English cousin. “Remember that my side gig used to be as a country singer.”

“Oh I remember.” Glory answers, nodding her head. “But that was before you made the transition into rock.”

“Are you suggesting you like my singing better now than when I was releasing country albums?”


The cousins share a hearty laugh as they approach the bar and sit down in two of the seats.  The bar is a polished oak countertop.  The scent of cigarette smoke seems to waft in the air and a few men not too far away from them seem to be more than a little drunk.  Braddock and Jones make sure to take note of them before being approached by the bartender.

“What will you two ladies be having?” The bartender, a young man who looks to be in his early thirties, asks politely.

“I don’t care.” Glory answers with a snap in her voice.  Angelica chuckles as the bartender turns to the Boston native.

“Don’t mind her, she’s always this cranky.  Just bring out a bottle of merlot for myself.” She turns and faces Glory, then winks. “I might even share if she changes her attitude.”

“Fair enough.” The bartender remarks and walks off to fill the order.  Braddock rolls her eyes at her red-headed cousin.

“Cranky?  Really, mate?”

“What do you want me to tell him?  The truth?  I doubt you’d want your dirty laundry aired here in front of a total stranger and any drunks who might be listening.” Angelica says, motioning to the drunk men standing not too far away.

“First of all, that bloke has probably heard a lot worse than my dirty laundry.  It comes with the territory of being a bartender.  Second, those two clowns over there are so drunk they’d probably forget all about all of this tomorrow.”

“You’re probably right.”

A few moments later the bartender returns with the bottle of merlot, which he places in between Angelica and Glory.  The bartender turns and plucks two glasses off of the shelf and places one in front of Angelica and one in front of Glory.  Angelica then slides the cash to pay for the drinks to the bartender which he accepts gratefully.

“Keep the change.”

“Thanks, ma’am.” The bartender turns and walks off.  Glory looks at her cousin and frowns.

“You didn’t have to buy me a drink.”

“I want to.” Angelica insists. “Consider it my gift.  Besides, I have a feeling you need this more than me.”

“You’re right.” Glory answers with a sigh before pouring herself some wine into the glass.  Angelica is never one to turn down merlot, so she pours some wine into her glass as well.  Jones takes a sip of her wine but notices her English cousin nearly gulping hers.  Her eyes widen.

“You’re clearly not ok.”

“No, I’m not.” Braddock says with a sigh. “My daughter is gone.  How can I be ok when my daughter is gone?”

“Oh my, I had no idea.” Angelica says quietly. “I thought you just wanted to settle some of your nerves.  I mean, Rise To Greatness and all…”

“Rise To Greatness?” Braddock scoffs. “Angelica, you know that I’ve competed on big stages before.  I’ve won championships before.  I’d give them all up, including the main event of Rise To Greatness, if I could just have my daughter back.”

“What happened to her?  You talk as if she’s gone forever?” Angelica pauses to consider that grave and very real possibility.  Her eyes grow wide with fear. “She didn’t, did she?”

“No, she’s not dead.” Braddock then thinks about it for a moment and shrugs her shoulders. “Actually, I don’t really know and that’s what scares the hell out of me.”

“Did she run away?” Angelica asks as she takes another sip of her wine.

“Yeah.” Braddock nods her head. “The last time I heard from her she was with that son of a bitch Clyde Sutter.”

“Clyde Sutter?” Angelica is puzzled at first as the name doesn’t immediately ring any bells to her.  It isn’t long though that the light bulb goes off in her head. “Oh yeah!  I know who you’re talking about; that guy you kicked out of your school for being too violent?”

“Yes, him.” Glory says with an angry growl. “He didn’t want to wrestle for the right reasons.  He’s in it just to hurt people.  If that wasn’t enough to piss me off, I caught the bastard trying to have sex with Melinda.”

“Seriously?” Angelica is shocked to hear all of this.  Glory just nods her head.

“Yes, I’m serious.”

“How long had their relationship been going on?”

“A long time.” Glory answers with another low growl. “Long enough to make me suspect that everything my daughter has done lately, from lying to Kurt and me all the way to the petty theft, all has his bloody fingerprints all over it.”

“Do you think Clyde is the one who did it all or…” Angelica is immediately interrupted by her cousin who shakes her head as she begins speaking.

“No, Melinda definitely is guilty.  We caught her getting drunk at a party.  We caught her trying to steal from a hotel.  She admitted to stealing from the vault at the Braddock Wrestling School.  We caught her sneaking out at night without telling us.  She definitely did all of those things, Angel.  I just think Clyde influence and encouraged to do them.”

“Your theory is definitely sound.” Angelica takes another sip of her wine and then sets the glass down on the counter.  She sighs deeply and then shakes her head. “It’s rough, you know?  Girls her age are easily influenced.”

“Exactly.” Braddock states. “Melinda thinks she has all of the answers just because she’s eighteen but she has none of the life experiences you and I have.”

“You’re right, and as frustrating as it is, sometimes our children have to learn those lessons the hard way.”

“What do you mean?” Glory asks, as she takes the bottle of merlot and pours some into her nearly empty glass.

“Take Marie for example.  When she was just a little older than Melinda, she started dating a man named Damian Toole.”

“I remember him.” Braddock nods her head. “He was a real piece of crap if I recall.”

“You’re right.  But there was nothing I could do to stop her from seeing him.  Everything I said went in one ear and out the other.  I knew he was a problem but it was like talking a wall.  He treated her terribly, Glory.  He treated her like she was a possession, and over time she saw herself as that; as his possession.  It wasn’t until he got physical with her and started beating her that she finally got the courage to leave that son of a bitch.”

“And there was nothing you could do?” Glory asks quizzically.

“She was legally an adult at that point, there was nothing legally I could do.  Not until he finally went too far.  Until then all I could was just be there for her and reminder her that was more than just his plaything, that she is loved and cared for and deserves to be treated with respect.”

“That’s pretty much what the authorities told me.” Braddock says with a sad sigh as she sips her wine. “They said that Melinda was eighteen and thus they couldn’t do anything about it unless she broke a law.  And running away at age eighteen is not against the law.”

Braddock tips the glass up and gulps another bit down her throat.  She slams the glass down on the counter and glares at Angelica. “But I can’t bloody well sit here and do nothing?!  I can’t just drink my sorrows away knowing that she’s with a dangerous man right now?!”

“Have you tried calling her?” Angelica suggests. “She may not have intended to run away and stay gone, you know?  Maybe this is just for a few days?” Angelica’s voice is hopeful but Glory shakes her head.

“Yes!” The British Bombshell exclaims. “The one time she did speak to either Kurt or myself she made it perfectly clear of her intentions.  Now? She stopped answering my calls a long time ago.  She used to answer Kurt’s but now she won’t answer his anymore, and I don’t know if it’s because she knows I’m trying to reach her and she doesn’t want to talk to me or…”

Tears begin to form in the eyes of The British Bombshell as she yet again ponders the very real possibility of her daughter’s demise.  Her cousin Angelica immediately reaches over and embraces her in a tight hug.

“It’s ok, Glory.  Everything will be fine.”

“You don’t know that.” Glory answers in between sobs. “She could be dead by now for all I know.”

“You don’t need to be thinking about that right now.”

“But it could be true!” Braddock exclaims as the embrace is broken. “You don’t realize how dangerous Sutter is!  He is a psychopath with no remorse and…”

Braddock’s rant is interrupted by the ringing of her iPhone.  What’s more is that it is the familiar tune of Margaritaville.  Just like her husband Kurt, Glory set the tune to play whenever Melinda is calling.  Her eyes grow wide as a glimmer of hope crosses across her face. If this is indeed her daughter Melinda Braddock calling, then it is the first time she has heard from her since Breakdown in Nashville, Tennessee.

The British Bombshell quickly produces her phone and places it to her ear. “Hello?  Melinda?”

Glory listens intently to what her daughter is saying.  Angelica watches on, hoping that this is good news.  Braddock nods her head.  “Yes, I can pick you up in Nashville, just tell me where.”

A few moments later and Glory again nods her head. “Yes, I’ll be there.  And Mel...I love you…”

Glory hangs up and puts away the phone.  Angelica Jones is anxious to hear the news “So what happened?”

“Honestly?  I don’t know.”

“Well obviously she’s coming home.  I got that much out of what you said; but why?  I thought you said she ran away to be with Clyde.”

“She did, but something must have happened.  All I know is that her and Clyde never left Nashville.”

“Did she say what happened?”

“No.” Braddock sighs. “I should’ve asked but I was more focused on getting her back.”

“Where did she want to meet you?”

“She’s staying at a cheap motel on the outskirts of Nashville.  That’s where I’m going right now.”

July 13th, 2019
Nashville, TN
Off Camera

The time has come for Glory Braddock to pick up her daughter.  The past few days since the July 10th edition of Breakdown have been agonizing for The British Bombshell.  Her daughter ran off and she didn’t know whether she was alive or dead or if she’d even get to see her again.  Now the agony is about to come to its end.

Usually the blonde haired beauty dresses in quite the feminine attire out in public but today is different.  She had a feeling that her beloved daughter wouldn’t be able to afford much on her own, thus she prepared for something seedy and shady.  Braddock is wearing denim jeans, white tennis shoes, and a black t-shirt with the “SCW” logo on the front.

The motel was one of those seedy places men with beer guts went to engage in wild sex with a mistress; the place where hookers brought their clientele there and paid for rooms by the hour. Weeds grew through the cracks in the concrete path and the litter from cheap take-out meals were strewn across it. There were external wooden stairs that lead to a second floor, a second row of doors, that looked like the building inspector was either bribed to pass it or drunk on the job. There were at least two screaming matches going on in separate rooms, and the cars in the lot wouldn't have been out of place in a wrecker's yard.  Braddock definitely feels out of place in such an environment.  It is a stark reminder of the bubble she has lived in most of her life.  The British Bombshell is not used to this kind of living.  Her family has always been there for her to provide for her and for that she is truly grateful.

It is quite difficult for The British Bombshell to ignore what’s going on around her; from the shouting in the rooms she passes by on her way to the drug deals and prostitution that goes on nearby, all of it makes Glory nervous about her daughter’s well-being.  It also makes her angrier at Clyde Sutter for putting her in this situation.

Braddock makes her way to the final door on her right.  She knocks but doesn’t get an answer.  Realizing that her daughter is more than likely being safe and not answering the door for anyone or anything, she decides to knock again…

“Melinda!  Open the door, it’s me!” The British Bombshell stands there and waits for a few moments before she finally hears the door unlocking and unlatching.  The door slides open slightly, just enough so that Melinda can look outside.  Mother and daughter lock eyes.  Tears immediately form in their eyes and then Melinda swings the door open the rest of the way.

“Mom!  Thank God you’re here!” Glory Braddock walks in and embraces her daughter in a tight hug.  The embrace seemingly lasts forever as The British Bombshell does not want to release her daughter; not for one second.  Finally the embrace is broken…

“Don’t do that again, Melinda.  Do you hear me?  Never ever do that again!” Glory raises her voice just a little but not too much.  She is angry that this happened, partially angry at her daughter but mostly angry with herself.  It is difficult to contain that anger but she wants to try and focus on the fact that she has her daughter back with her now.

“Yeah, I’m sorry mom.” Melinda sighs as she wipes tears from her eyes. “You were right, though.  I hate it but you were right.”

“What?” Braddock arches her brow out of curiosity.  It is only then that she finally notices the room that her daughter has been staying in these past few days.  She didn’t expect it to be in the best of conditions, as this is a cheap motel and it’s all she could afford.  What she didn’t expect was the television set to be knocked to the floor and broken, the single lamp on the nightstand knocked over, the sheets on the only bed in the entire room strewn all over the place.  Braddock could also smell the unmistakable scent of marijuana.

Braddock walks away from her daughter and over to a wall near the fallen television set.  What she sees on that wall is quite troubling; it appears to be a small hole where someone more than likely punched their fist through it.  She seriously doubts Melinda could have done that.

“What the hell happened here?” Glory asks, spinning around to face her daughter.

“Clyde…” Melinda can only utter that one name, and it is the name Glory feared to hear and yet expected.

Fear is the first emotion Glory had felt.  Several days ago her worst fear was realized as her daughter ran away.  Now that she has been reunited with her daughter that emotion, that fear, is being replaced with a new emotion: anger.  The rage of Glory Braddock wells up inside of her as she is beginning to realize what may have happened between Clyde and her daughter Melinda.

“What did Clyde do?” The British Bombshell growls angrily.

“He promised me the world.  He promised freedom to do whatever we wanted and that sounded fun to me.  It sounded good.” Melinda’s voice has a hint of disappointment and regret, regret that she even trusted Clyde, disappointment that his promises never came to be. “He used the cash he had left from the vault at your school to pay for this room.”

Melinda sits down on the edge of the bed.  Her mother approaches her and sits down next to her.  She can tell that this story is difficult for her daughter to tell, so she wraps a comforting and gentle arm around her.

“He had marijuana.  I didn’t feel right about it but he kept insisting so I figured, what could go wrong?”

Peer pressure can be a bitch.  Glory’s anger continues to rise as she listens. “There was alcohol too.  I was high, I was drunk, and that’s when he tried to force himself on me.”

Melinda pauses as her tears and sorrow returns.  Braddock is fuming now.  “Did he…” The British Bombshell cannot even finish the sentence, she doesn’t even want to consider it.  But Melinda seems to know what she’s implying and shakes her head.

“I managed to fight back; he tore my clothes off but that’s as far as he got.  He gave up on trying to rape me and instead roughed me up.  He hurt my ribs real bad…” her voice trails off.

Braddock immediately wants to make things right.  She wants to get revenge and hurt Clyde because he hurt her daughter.  But she realizes that will have to wait, if it even happens at all.  The primary purpose right now is to comfort Melinda.  Glory embraces her daughter in another tight hug.

“It’s ok, Mel.  It’s’s all over...he’s gone…”

July 15th, 2019
London, England
Off Camera

It may not look like much, but this small, run down looking gym on the outskirts of Southampton is quite a well known venue.  This is the gym that hosts the Glenn Braddock Wrestling School.  Glenn opened this school shortly after suffering a back injury during a wrestling match that ended his in-ring career for good.  But men like Glenn Braddock are addicted to the sport.  They cannot be separated from it, and thus to feed his addiction he opened the school with the intention of training and preparing the next generation of wrestlers.  It is no longer owned and operated by Glenn Braddock, who has completely retired at this point after a health scare back in February.  This school is now owned by his daughter Glory, and is operated by Randall Williams with the assistance of Glory’s good friends Sophie and Mark O’Brian.

The goal of this institution remains the same; to train and to prepare the next generation of wrestlers.  The perfect illustration of this goal is present here today in the form of second generation wrestler Glory Braddock training with her daughter, a soon to be third generation wrestler.

It’s what Melinda braddock has wanted since February.  She adores and idolizes her mother, thus she wants to follow in her footsteps.  This is also something Glory has been apprehensive about.  She has been afraid of ending up like her father, ending up being too tough on her and putting too much pressure on her.

Then again, Glory is training WITH her daughter, she isn’t the one training her.  The individual tasked with training the both of them is none other than Sophie O’Brian.

“Now don’t let up, not for one bloody second.” Sophie remarks coldly as she watches Melinda lace into a heavy bag with right and left hands.

“Seriously?  Do you always start with the bag?” Melinda asks with some frustration.

“It’s a good warm up.  Besides, you need to be able to strike quickly to avoid quicker and faster opponents.” Her mother, Glory, remarks.

“Yeah, but I’m way past that.  Matthew and I were sparring and I was kicking his ass.”

“Figures.” Sophie says with a snicker.

“Matthew’s forte came in the form of high flying flashy offense.” Braddock chimes in. “He knew enough about straight wrestling to get by but even a novice could whip him, love.”

“So you’re saying what I did with Matthew was for nothing?” Melinda asks.

“No, Sophie and I just think you need the full dose of what the Braddock school can offer.  Be thankful you’re starting with her.” Glory nods in the direction of Randall Williams, who is working with Olivia Nelson not too far away. “He’s bloody tougher than Sophie.”

“Right.” Melinda answers, rolling her eyes; a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

“Don’t believe me?  You just wait until you’re here on your own.” Glory says with a somewhat threatening tone and a wink. “I did tell him to be extra hard on you just because you are my daughter.”

“Good, because I want a challenge.” Melinda answers with a confident grin.  She stops with the bag and turns to face her mother, pointing a finger at her. “In fact, I think I’d like to take you on.”

“You’re bloody well joking, right?” Glory asks with a smirk.

“Not at all.” Melinda shakes her head. “I learned a great deal from Matthew, despite what you and Sophie may think of him, and I think I could hold my own sparring with you.  Besides, shouldn’t you be doing some of this training yourself?  You have a match coming up.”

Braddock nods her head.  The match her daughter refers to isn’t just any match.  It’s the main event of SCW’s premier event, Rise To Greatness.  The World Championship is on the line in a triple threat between Syren, Alistaire, and The British Bombshell herself.  But sparring with an amateur like Melinda would hardly be the kind of challenge she needs ahead of this big time match.  Glory shakes her head.

“I’d rather not.”

“Oh come on!  You’re not afraid, are you?” Melinda asks with a cocky grin now.

“Hardly.” Glory rolls her eyes.

“You know, Glory, I get what you’re thinking,” Sophie chimes in stepping in between the two “but I think it may be a good thing to give your daughter a bit of a reality check.  Show her what she can expect in the future.  You know?”

“Are you sure, mate?” Glory asks, still skeptical.  Sophie nods her head.

“Of course.  And if you want a real challenge in order to best prepare for those two tossers at Rise To Greatness I’ll drag Mark over and you can face both of us at once.  How does that sound?”

Braddock doesn’t have to think long about that one.  Facing both Sophie and Mark, themselves former tag team champions, would be quite a legitimate challenge to prepare her for what could be the toughest match of her career at Rise To Greatness.  She could appease Melinda just this once in order to get that.

“Deal.” Glory approaches her daughter. “But I did warn you.”

“Yeah, I hear you…” Melinda’s voice trails off as she immediately goes into a collar and elbow tie up with her mother.  Melinda quickly goes into a side headlock and she seems very pleased with herself.  That is, until her mother attempts to flip her over.  Melinda, however, manages to land on her feet right behind The British Bombshell.  The younger Braddock rushes in but Glory, seemingly with eyes in the back of her head, turns in time to catch her daughter with a deep arm drag into an arm bar.

“Thought you had me, didn’t you?”

“I did have you!” Melinda exclaims, seemingly frustrated with herself as she fights the arm bar.

“No, you just thought you had me.  I let you get me in that headlock.  I am a good counter wrestler, mate, and that’s one thing Matthew refused to listen to when he was a student at my father’s school.  He hated the lessons about counter wrestling.  Counter wrestling is something I excel at so I knew that whatever move you put me in from that tie up, I could get out of it.”

“Ok, so maybe he didn’t teach me any of that stuff, but I landed on my feet when you tried to drop me!  That was ALL Matt!”

Braddock nods her head. “Fair enough, that definitely looked like a Matthew move.”

“You know what isn’t a Matthew move though?” Melinda asks.


“THIS!” Melinda flips over and manages to get her legs wrapped in position for a triangle choke.  Glory is genuinely caught off guard by this and almost gets put in her own submission.  Lucky for her, Melinda is still too new and too green.  She isn’t quite able to lock in the triangle choke and Glory is able to break free.  The British Bombshell scrambles to her feet, as does Melinda.  Braddock nods at her daughter with respect.

“Impressive.  You almost had me.  Who taught you that one?”

Melinda motions to Sophie. “She’s the guilty party this time!  After you green lighted me training I started speaking to Sophie.  She gave me some pointers on how to out-think your opponent, not just out-wrestle them.”

“Sophie, eh?” The British Bombshell chuckles as she walks over to her friend, who smirks knowingly. “Doesn’t surprise me.  She is the one of the best pure minds in this game.  Hell, she is one of the best minds period.  I do not know anyone who is a better strategizer than her and she’s almost as good as me in the ring.”

“Almost?” Sophie asks with an arched brow.

“You know I’m teasing, mate.  But if you really want to determine who is better we can have a proper one on one after Rise To Greatness.” She winks and then places a hand on her shoulder. “But there is no one I would rather have in my corner, training me and preparing me for Rise To Greatness than you.  Syren has Ravyn and her crew?  As smart as they think they are, I’d take you and your brain over that lot any day of the week.”

“Thanks mate,” Sophie embraces Glory in a tight embrace “I appreciate it.”

“You’ve always been there for me, Sophie.” Glory answers.  “I owe you.”

“Yes, you do.” Sophie says with a smirk.

Before this touching moment can go any further, their attention is directed to the front as the doors to the entrance swing wildly and violently open.  Immediately Melinda appears frightened but Glory has a far different look on her face; anger.  Rage quickly enters the British Bombshell as she watches Clyde Sutter enter the school training area.

“Knock! Knock! Fucking KNOCK!” Sutter shouts as he marches through the school area.  Many of the students appear concerned, as they recall his time in the school and his violent episodes.  Randall Williams urges the other students to get back.  Glory turns to Sophie and Melinda.

“Melinda, you stay here with Sophie.  I’ll go get that son of a bitch.”

“Be careful, mom.” Melinda says nervously.

“He should be the one who is careful.” Glory says threateningly as she begins to approach Sutter.  Before she can get there Sophie’s brother, Mark O’Brian gets in Clyde’s face.  Mark is equally as angry as Braddock, maybe even more angry.  Mark was brutally assaulted by Clyde on the day Glory kicked him out of the school.

“Good thing ya came, bitch!” Mark exclaims.  “Payback time!”

“What you going to do?” Clyde asks with a sinister grin. “Last time we went toe to toe I left your sorry ass in the center of the ring.  How many concussions did you suffer, mate?”

“Less than how many you’re about to suffer when I’m through with you!”

Mark steps threateningly forward but Glory shouts out to stop him. “Mark!  Stand down!”

Mark glares angrily at Glory.  He is clearly not happy with this order to stand down.  He wants to step up and fight Sutter, get revenge, but he also respects The British Bombshell.  They are friends.  For the sake of their friendship, Mark nods his head and backs away slowly.  Clyde Sutter laughs nastily.

“Isn’t this cute?  Your sister has one of your balls and Braddock has the other?”

Mark wants to react.  He wants to throw a punch and it is taking every ounce of his self control not to; but he lets Clyde have his fun.  Clyde snickers as he turns and approaches Glory Braddock.

“Now the mother of the cunt herself.  I can tell that you’re real angry.  So what are you going to do about it?  Are you more of a man than that buffoon over there?  Are you going to take a fucking swing?  Go ahead and do it so I can break you in half in front of that slut you call a daughter and all your friends and then call it self defense when authorities come!”

Braddock tenses up.  She balls up her fists.  She wants to take him up on his offer to throw the first punch but thinks better of it.  Clyde then looks over and spots Melinda hiding behind Sophie.  He chuckles.

“I see your little girl back there.  Hi, Melinda!” He waves and then looks back down at Glory. “Melinda is one fine piece of ass, you know that?  And when it comes to the sack, that little slut over there is the best fuck I’ve had in a long time.”

Braddock cannot hold in her rage any longer.  She rears back and throws a right hand, staggering the larger Sutter backward.  The British Bombshell braces herself for a counter attack but instead he just laughs it off.

“Nice one!  You skipped the slap to the face that you bitches like so much and went right for a punch to the jaw!  I guess that means your sweet daughter told you about our wild time in Nashville?”

“She told me how you tried to rape her you son of a bitch!” Braddock exclaims angrily.

“Now don’t go throwing that nasty ‘R’ word around, especially not when everything we did was consensual and you have no proof otherwise except her word; the word of someone who was high on marijuana.  Am I right?”

The British Bombshell narrows her eyes in angry glare at Sutter.  If looks could kill, he’d be dead.  Sutter just continues to laugh it off arrogantly, as if it were nothing.

“That wasn’t the only time we did it, by the way.  Just remember every night your daughter snuck out of your house, she was with me.  And now you know exactly what we were doing every...single...night…” Sutter winks knowingly at The British Bombshell.

Braddock is at a boiling point.  She could fight him right here and now if she wants but she knows that is an emotional reaction.  She needs to think clearly and she knows that it isn’t a smart move.  Instead she points over towards the doors.

“Get the hell out, you son of a bitch!”

“Is that any way to speak to the father of your future grandchildren?” He chuckles. “Well, I will be we weren’t using protection.  I honestly can’t remember if we did or didn’t.”

“Get out NOW, Sutter!” Braddock shouts. “This is your last warning or I call the authorities!”

“Oh I’ll leave, but I want you to understand that you have not seen the last of me.  Mark spoke about payback?  How about my revenge, my payback?  I did speak a lot of bullshit to you, the O’Brian kids, and your daughter so you’d accept me.  But I wasn’t joking around when I said I wanted to be a wrestler.  You kicking me out of this school has damn near ruined that for me.”

“Good!” Braddock exclaims. “You shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near this sport!”

“Yeah?” He chuckles. “We’ll see about that.”

Sutter turns and starts to walk away. “See you around, Braddock.”

The eyes of The British Bombshell do not leave Clyde Sutter.  She watches him intensely as he slowly makes his way back across the training area until he swings the doors open again and exits, slamming them shut behind him.  The relief of Clyde leaving is now replaced by a sense of forboding.  This was a threat.  He is not done with her and her family.

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