Thursday, March 1, 2018

vs Antoinette

One match a career does not make.  I’ve had my ups and downs throughout my career, the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, but I’ve never allowed myself to quit.  I’ve never given up.  I keep going, no matter how bleak things look.

So I lost my FFW debut.  Oh I would love nothing more than a retry.  I would love to turn back the clock and see what I could do differently.  Everyone knows that hindsight is twenty-twenty, but everyone also knows that you cannot turn back time.  This isn’t some British science fiction show about a blue box.

There is no such thing as time travel.  You live with the consequences of your actions.  You do the best you can and live with the results of what you did.  Hold your head up, be proud, and move on.  No, you do not get a retry, but all is not lost.  You just press forward.  You keep going and continue to work hard.   You move on and look forward to the next challenge.

My next challenge is in the form of Antoinette Sands.

Will I win?  We’ll see.  Will you win?  We’ll see.  There’s no guarantees because, the fact is, fate is a finicky little bitch, but what I can guarantee you is that you will get the absolute best of Glory Braddock when that bell rings.  So my advice is to be prepared.  Prepare for the best of The British Bombshell.