Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Next Generation: Part 5

April 25th, 2019
Las Cruces, New Mexico
Off Camera

Tabula Rasa was quite eventful for Glory Braddock.  She was hoping to pin Konrad Raab or make him submit.  As it turned out, due to some interference from Damian Angel, Konrad reverted to Black Ice mode and started attacking anyone and anything in his path, including the referee which got him disqualified.  Konrad took out Damian and tried to plant Braddock through an announce table and would have were it not for quick thinking on the part of The Best in the World.  Instead of the power bomb he attempted, Glory managed to counter it into her patented Shekhinah Glory triangle choke hold.  She choked him out and got the mask off of him.

Braddock’s involvement with Konrad isn’t over yet.  She is going to be teaming with him to face Tommy Valentine and Kandis on the next Breakdown.  As much as she hopes this will be just another tag team match, she is almost certain that it won’t end well.  She is certain that there will be involvement from Damian Angel, maybe even Giovanni, both of whom have encouraged Black Ice to lash out.

As if she needed enough difficulties on her plate that night; Valentine and Kandis are two very tough and very game opponents.  While Kandis is new, she has proven her toughness by taking Regan Street to the limit.  Valentine is very accomplished and his record speaks for itself.   Adding the potential interference from the Wonderland makes things very dicey for Glory Braddock and her tag team partner for the evening, Konrad Raab.

Not to mention how she’s been distracted lately, distracted by her daughter, Melinda Braddock.

Melinda has been acting out lately; ever since Glory told her daughter flat out that she could never train and become a professional wrestler Melinda has been acting out, misbehaving, and being downright rebellious.  It’s something that has been on her mind and distracting her lately.  She just hopes it won’t be too much of a distraction.  And she hopes she can eventually calm Melinda down and get her back to her old self.

The lobby of this hotel in Las Cruces, New Mexico is quite exquisite.  The floor was tiled in fine marble, which made every step echo. A chandelier made rainbow colors dance across the luxurious lobby. Embroidered silk sofas surrounded a large, flat-screen television. The twin doors that led into the lobby were a pristine white with golden handles. The desk was made of amber-colored wood and a green granite top. Exquisite paintings hung from the rich, red walls. Even the door hinges were engraved with swirls and elegant designs. Music played in the background, even though the only person around to hear it is the attendant at the desk.  The music is soft, the colors gentle to the eye and the large dining room is set up and ready for dinner tonight.

Silence never lasts forever.  The silence of this hotel lobby ends abruptly when “The British Bombshell” Glory Braddock and her husband, Kurt Logan, arrive in the lobby.  Ms. Braddock has just completed her duty and obligation at a House Show for Supreme Championship Wrestling.  Now she and her husband Kurt have arrived back at the hotel to turn in for the night.

“Quite a show tonight.” Kurt says as he leans over and gives his wife a kiss on her cheek. “You were wonderful out there as always.”

“Oh bloody hell, Kurt.  I wasn’t that good.  It’s just…” she pauses to think of good wording.  Braddock finally just shrugs her shoulders. “…it’s just what I do.  You know?”

“I know, to you and me it may be the norm.  But look at us, we’re wrestlers.  It’s what we do.  But those fans, they’re impressed.  They love it.  They eat it up.”

“mmmhmmm…” Glory nods her head.

“It can be quite addicting.” Kurt says as he and his wife bypass the receptionist area and make their way over towards the elevators.  Kurt presses a button to call for the elevator and as they wait he turns to face his lovely English wife.

“In fact, I remember my professional wrestling debut.”

“Do you now?” Glory asks.

“You bet.  The roaring of the crowd, the awe and amazement in their eyes as they watched me perform.  It was like a drug, Glory.  I couldn’t get enough of it.  I was hooked and I knew I needed that adrenaline rush every single chance I got.”

The elevator doors open and then Glory Braddock enters the elevator first, followed by her husband Kurt.  Kurt presses the button for the next floor.  The door closes and the elevator begins to rise.

“Kurt, why do I get the feeling that this is about Melinda?”

“Well,” Kurt sighs deeply “because it is.”

The British Bombshell sighs and shakes her head. “I get what you’re trying to say, and a part of me wants to give her the chance because you’re right, it is a rush.  I know it better than anyone. But I still don’t trust myself as a mother to a professional wrestler.  Do you understand?”

“Of course.” Kurt nods his head. “That’s why I stand by you one hundred percent.”

They kiss on the lips. “Besides, she proved a few weeks ago that she absolutely cannot be trusted yet, that she is still immature and cannot be trusted to make decisions for herself.  Not yet anyway.”

Kurt nods his head in agreement. “I agree.”

As soon as the elevator reaches the second floor it comes to a slow stop.  The doors open and Glory and her husband exit the elevator and then begin to head down the hall.  It isn’t long before they come to a hotel room door, presumably their own. Glory then takes her keycard and inserts it into the door slot and then once she hears it unlock she pushes the door open.  As they walk into the room they find Melinda lying on one of the queen size beds and Glory’s best friend Sophie O’Brian sitting in a chair by the window overlooking the skyline of the city.

“Well, we’re back.” Kurt declares.

“How was everything?” Glory asks, directing her question to both Sophie and Melinda.  The Irish Sociopath looks at Braddock with a smirk as she playfully salutes The British Bombshell.

“Everything went well, mein fuhor.”

“Cute, real cute Sophie.” Glory rolls her eyes, clearly not finding her friend’s sense of humor very funny.

“It was boring.” Melinda chimes in.

“I’m sorry you thought it was boring, Mel.  Didn’t Sophie keep you entertained?”

“No!” Melinda shoots up in bed and glares at her mother. “Why was Sophie even watching me anyway? I’m too old for a babysitter.”

“Someone needs to look after you while Kurt and I are at the show.”

Melinda sighs and shakes her head. “You used to take me to the shows.”

“I want to take you to the shows, Mel.  I really do.  But I can’t trust you to be by yourself.  The last time I left you alone you got wasted.  Until you prove to me that I can trust you by yourself, you’re just going to have to stay behind at the hotel.”

“With Sophie?!” Melinda exclaims.

“Or Kurt.  Someone. But not by yourself.”

“This is crap!” Melinda stands up now, getting face to face with her mother. “I am eighteen years old and you are treating me like a child!”

“You’re acting like a child.” Glory snaps back. “Right now, this very moment, you are acting like a child.  And until you can prove you can act like a grown up young lady, then I will continue to treat you like a child.”

“Fine!”  Melinda starts stomping off, past Sophie and past Glory and away from Kurt.  Glory turns and calls out to her daughter.

“Where do you think you’re going?!”

“The snack machine downstairs.  Or is that banned too?”

Glory sighs and shakes her head. “No, it’s fine.  Go.  Just make it quick.”

Melinda throws the door open, storms out, and slams it shut behind her.  Braddock is clearly disappointed in her daughter, as the look on her face is evident. Kurt places a comforting hand on his wife’s shoulder.

“Do you want me to go after her?”

“No, let her have her space.” Glory sighs.

“Sure.” Kurt motions to the bathroom. “I’m going to go take a shower and prepare for bed.” He looks up cautiously at Sophie who just chuckles.

“Don’t worry.  I’ll be leaving soon.  I just wish to speak to my friend for a moment.”

“Right.” Kurt turns and walks over to the bathroom.  He steps inside and shuts the door behind him.  Glory meanwhile walks over to the other queen size bed and sits down on the edge of it.  Sophie approaches her best friend and sits down next to her.

“Penny for your thoughts?”

“I know it’s odd for a parent to find what amounts to a babysitter for their eighteen year old child. But I have no choice.  Melinda left me with no alternative, not after her recent actions.  I cannot trust her by herself.”

“Are you asking me that or are you trying to convince yourself?” Sophie asks with an arched brow.

“Maybe a little bit of both.”

“Well if you want my opinion, I do think you’re being just a little hard on the girl.  She adores you, despite what it sounded like earlier from her voice, she does adore you.  She wants to be just like you.  Surely you understand the desire of any child to want to be like their parent.”

“Oh I definitely understand.” Glory nods her head. “I understand better than you could possibly imagine.  As a matter of fact, that’s precisely why I don’t want her following in my footsteps.”

“Ok,” Sophie tilts her head as she stares at her best friend with a quizzical look on her face “I’m not sure I follow you.”

“Sophie, it was hard to be the daughter of Glenn Braddock.  That’s who I was.  Hell, that’s who I am today.  I am the daughter of Glenn Braddock.  No one knows me as the daughter of Mary Ford.  No one outside of my cousins, Angelica and Kayla, even know that Mary Ford is my mother and that’s because Mary is their aunt.”

“What’s the issue with your mother?” Sophie inquires.

“She left him.” Glory answers. “My mother left my father because he was so damned obsessed with the sport.  I grew up thinking she had abandoned father and me and worse yet, I grew up with no mother figure in my life.  Daddy raised me to be a wrestling machine.  He didn’t raise a daughter, he wanted to raise a world champion.  As a result I had very little of the life experiences that most little girls get.  I got the life experiences of a trained fighter. A warrior.”

Tears form in Glory’s eyes as she continues. “I want her to be normal.”

“Well, when you put it that way I guess I understand.” Sophie sighs. “I definitely understand not having the best of family life, you know?  Wrestling was my way out of a very bad situation.”

The British Bombshell nods her head. She knows very well about her best friend’s family history.  Sophie was born into an abusive home with a drunken, abusive father.  It was the Braddock family that took Sophie and her brother, Mark, in off the streets when they decided to run away.  The Braddock family trained them to become professional wrestlers so they could defend themselves and have a career to make a better life for themselves.  Sophie wouldn’t be here were it not for the Braddock family.

“Right, I understand that.  Wrestling was a way out for many people, not just you.  It was an exit for my cousins, Angelica and Kayla.  But it doesn’t have to be that way for Melinda.  She has a good life.  She has two loving parents.  She can have a normal life, she doesn’t need wrestling.”

“No, she doesn’t.” Sophie shakes her head. “And maybe you’re right about a ‘normal life’” Sophie makes quotation marks in the air with her fingers “being preferable to the life of a professional wrestler. While I always what really is normal and if there even is a normal, I must admit that the life of a wrestler can be quite outside the normal.”

“Then you understand why I can’t let Melinda become a wrestler.”

Sophie ponders her friend’s statement for a moment. “You are concerned about how YOU will act if your daughter becomes a wrestler?  You don’t want to become like your father.”

“That’s right.”

“Well there is an alternative.” Sophie suggests. “Let me train her.  We are both students of Glenn Braddock.  I would do just as good a job as you would.”

“No, absolutely not.” Glory shakes her head. “You did hear me, didn’t you Sophie?  I want my daughter to have a normal life. Normal means no professional wrestling.”

Sophie sighs before nodding her head. “I understand, mate. And I’ll respect your wishes, but you also need to understand that she is eighteen years old.  While you may be able to temporarily keep her away from the business, eventually she’ll figure out that she can have all the freedom she desires if she leaves the comfort of your roof and home behind.  Trust me, I know.  I had my boiling point at home once I reached it, I left.  Melinda has hers.  She may not have reached her point yet but if you push her too hard, if you pressure her too much, she’ll leave and become a wrestler without your permission. That’s what Mark and I did.”

“Hopefully that won’t happen to Melinda.” Glory remarks distantly; though she realizes that Sophie is right.  There is a very good chance Melinda could just strike out on her own once she moves out and becomes a wrestler without her mother’s permission. At that point she wouldn’t need anyone’s permission and Glory couldn’t stop her.

Braddock’s silent musing is interrupted with the ringing of a telephone.  It’s the landline phone by their bed; it must be the front desk, she realizes, as she never gave the number out to anyone. Heck, she hasn’t used it as she hasn’t planned to stay in this room very long.  The fact that it is ringing does peak her curiosity.  Glory furrows her brow out of curiosity.

“I wonder what this is about.”  She reaches over and picks up the phone. “Hello?” She listens closely to what is being said on the other end.  Her eyes grow wide. “She did what?!” She continues listening. “Yes, I’ll be right down.  Thank you.”

The British Bombshell immediately hangs up the phone and then stands up.  “What’s wrong?” Sophie asks.

“Melinda.  She was caught trying to steal.”


No parent worth their salt wants to see their child become a rebellious teenager; though those rebellious teenage years happen to everyone.  It’s just natural.  Melinda’s rebellious stage only recently started, and while it may have arrived a little later than most teenagers, her rebellion is coming on strong.  Just a few weeks ago she drank way too much alcohol, got wasted, and passed out when she went out with a friend.  Glory hasn’t felt like she could trust her daughter ever since that point and thus has limited her freedoms while she lived under her roof.  Never could she have imagined that this rebellious streak would go from underage drinking to petty theft in just a matter of a few weeks.

Yet here she stands, speaking with a hotel staff worker, a young man named Arnold, who caught Melinda Braddock trying to steal food from the snack machine.  The British Bombshell is thoroughly embarrassed and her daughter, clearly not repentant, stands with her arms folded over her chest by the side of Glory Braddock.

“Thank you for letting me know about this.” Glory tells Arnold. “I am very sorry that she did this.  It is completely unlike her.”

“It’s ok, ma’am.”

“What was she doing exactly?” Glory asks, curiosity getting the better of her.

“I saw her rounding the corner, which is where our snack machine is located.  I assumed she was going to get a snack and didn’t think much of it.  Then I heard loud banging from that area.  I quickly made my way over and saw your daughter messing around with the machine.”

“How do you know she was trying to steal from it?” Glory asks, hopeful that this is just a mistake.  Unfortunately, Arnold quickly dashes those hopes.

“Trust me, ma’am, I’ve seen this many times before.  She was using the same tactics and same tricks that most petty thieves use to try to break into our machines and steal.  Mostly they try to steal money out of the machine.  Your daughter insists that she was only going to take a snack.”

Glory nods her head. “Very well, thank you Arnold.” She shakes his hand.

“No problem.  Have a good night.”

Arnold walks away.  Once he is out of sight, Glory turns to Melinda and glares daggers right through her daughter.

“What the bloody hell were you thinking?!”

“I guess I was thinking I wanted a snack.” Melinda shrugs her shoulders.

“Don’t be a smart ass with me, young lady.  I’m not in the mood. First you drank enough alcohol a few weeks ago that you passed out.  Now you’re moving on to downright criminal actions?”

“You’re totes taking this too far, mom.” Melinda insists. “This is hardly criminal.”

“It’s called theft, Mel.” Glory snaps back at her. “Theft is against the law.  You are just lucky that he doesn’t want to press the issue, that he’s willing to let it go and just let me deal with you.”

“Right, sure, because police would definitely waste time and money prosecuting a case on theft of a candy bar.”

“You claim it was just a candy bar.”

Melinda arches a brow. “So you think I was trying to take money?”

“I don’t know.” Glory shrugs her shoulders. “I’m not sure I even know you anymore.  You’re definitely not acting like my daughter.  You’re not acting like the Melinda Braddock I raised.”

“The Melinda Braddock you raised?” Melinda scoffs and starts laughing. “Don’t act like you’ve been this great parent all your life.  Four years ago you handed me over to Aphrodite Noel to take care of me while you were busy being general manager of MCW and wrestling for GCW.  So you know what?  You’re right.  You don’t know your daughter because this isn’t it!  At least it isn’t what it used to be.  And it’s your fault because you’re a coward who abandoned her duties as a mother, just like your own mother abandoned you.”

This really hits home for Glory Braddock.  She felt the same hurt and pain when her mother, Mary Ford, abandoned her.  To have her own daughter Melinda accuse her of the same thing enrages her.  She balls up her fist, but almost immediately relaxes.  Tears form in her eyes.

“I never knew you felt that way.” Glory says quietly.

“I’m sorry, mom.” Melinda is in shock as she realized what she just said hurt her mother so much. Immediately Melinda embraces Glory in a tight hug. “I didn’t mean that.  I didn’t mean any of it.  And I’m sorry for trying to steal.  I’m just…I’m just so sorry…”

After the embrace is broken Glory looks down at her daughter and smiles warmly. “It’s ok, we can just forget about it all tonight, ok?”

“Sounds good, mom.”

“But you did something bad, Mel.” Glory reminds her. “There will be consequences.  You understand?”

Melinda sighs and nods her head. “Yeah, I get you.”

April 28th, 2019
London, England
Off Camera

The living room at the home of Glory Braddock in London, England is empty; at least for now.  It doesn’t remain that way for very long.  Movement is heard from the hallway and then shortly Glory Braddock walks into the room.  Today is Sunday and Glory had a visitor with her today for church service; her cousin, Angelica, who emerges behind her.

It’s been a few days since the most recent incident involving Glory Braddock’s oldest child, Melinda.  She began with underage drinking and then moved on to petty thievery.  She just hopes she has nipped this problem in the bud before it could brew into something bigger and more troublesome in the future.  Melinda did seem to be repentant when they spoke.  It appeared to Glory that her daughter Melinda felt genuine guilt and was sincerely sorry for what she did.  Looks can be deceiving though.  All Glory can do is hope that this problem is behind her.

Other problems are already mounting for The British Bombshell.  She suffered a concussion due to a match she had against Andrew Raynes and Dustin Adams at a GCW event yesterday.  Braddock is still scheduled to team with Konrad Raab later this week against Kandis and Tommy Valentine.  Between her issues with Melinda and then the rough and tough wrestling schedule, she’s not sure whether her mind or her body will break first.

“Well that was a lovely service.” Glory says as she makes her way over to a sofa, she sits down, smoothing out the skirt of her pink short sleeve dress.  She gently slips off her matching pink high heeled pumps and then tucks her legs up under her.

“Yeah, it was.” Angelica says as she makes her way over to the sofa and sits down next to Glory.  Angelica is wearing a black ankle length skirt, black high heeled pumps, and a long sleeve black sweater. “But I do have a question.”


“Where’s the wine?” Angelica asks. “You promised wine.”

Glory chuckles. “I thought you were going to provide it, mate?”

“I forgot.  Sue me.”

The British Bombshell chuckles. “I’ll get some later.  Right now I just want to rest.”

“I’m honestly surprised you made it back in time for church.” Angelica states with an arched brow. “Aren’t you still suffering from that concussion?”

“GCW doctors say I am.” Glory says with a nod of her head. “But I think I’m fine.  I think they’re overreacting.”

“A concussion is nothing to sneeze at, Glory.”

“I know.” Braddock nods her head. “Trust me, I know.  That’s why I’m taking the entire day to rest.  No more going out, no more running around, no training, just rest.”

“That’s good.  You need rest, especially with the busy schedule you’ve been keeping.  You went up against The Brotherhood of Sith in a handicap match yesterday.  You’re booked in a tag team match this Wednesday.”

“Yeah, and if Konrad goes berserk again then that may also become a handicap match.” Glory says sarcastically.

Angelica frowns. “Are you sure you’re ok?”

Braddock sighs and shakes her head. “No, I’m not.  But my problems aren’t important, ok?”

“I’m pretty sure they are, Glory.” Angelica remarks. “We’re family and one thing I don’t do is abandon my family when they need me.”

There’s that word; abandonment.  It hurt Glory to the core of her soul a few days ago when Melinda accused her of abandoning her just like Glory was abandoned by her mother Mary Ford.  Still, she isn’t sure she wants to talk to Angelica about her deep rooted issues.

“It’s my daughter, Angel.”

“What’s wrong with Melinda?” Angelica inquires.

“Let’s just say she’s being rebellious. Very rebellious.  And we can leave it at that.”

Angelica studies her English cousin closely.  She can sense that there is more to it than that.  She chooses not to press any further.

“I’m not sure what it is, but take it from me, because I have four children.  Rebellion is normal.  Every child goes through that stage eventually.”

“But do they ever go through a stage of hate?  And by that I mean that they hate you?”

“Yes.” Angelica says, nodding her head. “All of my children, at one point or another, have told me that they hated me.  Heck, I’ve even had to wrestle a few of them.” Angelica chuckles lightly. “But that’s the nature of the business you and I are in and the business that they were raised in and around. You know what I mean?”

“I know.” Braddock responds distantly. “And I hate it.”

“Just out of curiosity; does this have anything to do with you not letting Melinda become a wrestler?”

“How the hell did you know?” Glory asks, genuinely surprised that Angelica picked this information out of the air.

“Your daughter has started a blog.”

“Great…” Glory’s voice trails off as she rolls her eyes.

“Look, I can’t tell you how to raise your kid, but take it from someone who tried to do exactly the same thing you are trying to do with Melinda.”

“You tried to keep one of yours from wrestling?” Glory asks curiously.  Angelica nods her head.

“I did everything I could to try and keep Marie from training.  And just like you, I had some early success but eventually I failed.  Marie found a way to get her training in, she found a way to break into the business without my help.  And you know, that just makes her look even better because she managed to break into the business and get the necessary training and tools without any of my help or assistance.” Angelica shrugs her shoulders. “Who knows?  Melinda may end up like Marie.”

“Not if I can help it.” Glory shakes her head. “I want her to have a normal life without wrestling to screw it up or to screw her up.”

“With all due respect, Glory,” Angelica says as she places an arm around her cousin’s shoulders “it’s not your choice is it?  It’s Melinda’s.”

“As long as she lives under my roof it is my choice.” Glory states definitively.

On Camera

Before I even begin addressing anything related to Breakdown or this tag team match I have coming up, I want to address Giovanni Aries and his little Wonderland propaganda.

People call you crazy.  Some have accused you of being on drugs. But you know what I think about you, mate?  You are naïve.  You are completely and utterly naïve to everything going on around you, especially in regards to your new friend Damian Angel.

I have called you out for how you have sown the seeds of discontent and chaos throughout Supreme Championship Wrestling and every time.  Others have called you out for stirring the pot and causing chaos.  But every time someone calls you out on it you deny it.  Again and again you deny that you want to cause chaos.  You claim you don’t want chaos but that you want freedom and liberty from an imaginary, fictitious Lizard Kingdom.

Yet that same day I called you out on the chaos you’ve been causing, your partner in crime Damian Angel outright admits and brags about the chaos he’s been causing.

This Wonderland is going too far, mate.  You and Damian have brought out the worst in James Evans and my cousin Angelica.  You may have caused the end of their tag team Redemption.  And then there’s my tag team partner for Breakdown, a man I respect, Konrad Raab.  You don’t want him to have freedom. You don’t want him to have liberty.  Freedom means freedom of choice but you won’t let him choose to be The Iceman.  You won’t let him choose to be just plain Konrad.  No, you FORCED him to become Black Ice by putting that blasted mask on him at Tabula Rasa.

Is that your idea of freedom?  Because I’m here to tell you that it isn’t freedom.  He didn’t choose that for himself.  You forced it upon him.  You talk about the tyranny of a Lizard King and yet here you two wankers are the biggest tyrants around, shoving your insane chaotic theories down everyone’s throat.

This is my warning to the Wonderland, but especially to Damian Angel, because you’re the one who seems to have taken a keen interest in Konrad.  Stay away from me and Konrad.  Stay out of our business and keep your damn nose out of the match.  But if you really want to have yourselves a fight then by all means, be my guest, and get involved.

Then you can watch as I burn your little Wonderland and everyone associated with it to the ground.

Konrad, don’t listen to them.  Do not drink their kool-aid.  They preach freedom and liberty out their ass while lying through their mouth.

I’m not against wearing masks in wrestling. It’s a proud tradition in some circles.  And if there’s a particular mask you want to wear, then wear it to the ring. Or if you want to do what you did at Tabula Rasa and go without a mask, that’s fine with me as well.  It’s your choice.  And that’s what freedom is all about.  I’m not opposed to freedom.

What I am opposed to is unnecessary destruction, unnecessary violence, and chaos.  Konrad, that’s what Black Ice represents.  That’s what he is.  He is chaos and that’s why Damian and Gio want him so damn badly for their little Wonderland crap.  They only desire chaos and that’s why they want to force Black Ice upon you.  But I’m here to tell you right now that you don’t need him.  And if you need any evidence, look no further than Tabula Rasa.

You didn’t have Black Ice with you; at least not until Damian got involved.  Before Damian stuck his nose where it didn’t belong, it was just you, just plain old Konrad, against The Best in the World and you pushed me to my limit.  We’ll never know how that match would have ended but guess what?  You are a damn fine wrestler.  You are too humble to admit it, and humility is a good quality to have, so I’ll say it for you.  Konrad Raab is a damn good wrestler.  And you do not need Black Ice to be a damn good wrestler.

So on Breakdown let’s show the world how good you are and specifically let’s show those Wonderland clowns Damian and Gio that you do not need them.  They’ll watch as you and I take on Kandis and Valentine.  So let them watch.  They’ll see you put on a show.

Speaking of our distinguished opposition…

I’ve been in this business professionally for over eleven years but in reality, I have been in this business all of my life.  I grew up in it, having been raised by my father who himself was one of the best wrestlers in Europe.  I was introduced to the American circuits thanks to my cousins, Angelica and Kayla.  Wrestling runs through my veins.  Thus it is no surprise that I am student of the game and I always make it a point to keep track of up and coming stars.

Kandis, you have impressed me with what you’ve done in Emerge and what you’ve already managed to do in SCW.  No, no championships for you yet, but the talent level you’re competing against, the wrestlers you’ve beaten and even those who you may not have beaten, but pushed to the limit, speaks volumes.

You’re looking to advance yourself and your brand against some top stars of SCW and that’s fine, I understand, but I also want to advance myself and my brand and I’m no pushover, mate. Furthermore, I am in a very foul mood thanks to those Wonderland wankers.  So bring all of that big ass you got, back that ass right up, and I’ll kick it all over the arena.

I know that you’re new. I get it.  You’re learning, I understand.  So take this opportunity as a learning experience, mate, because Konrad and I are going to take you to school.

Tommy on the other hand is the farthest thing from new.  You’ve had a staggeringly long career like me, am I right mate?  It’s doubtful that you even care about me showing you respect so I will bypass it.  This may be your and Kandis’s first outing as a team, but let me tell it to you straight, if I have my way, one of you will tap out or get choked out.

One last message to Konrad; bring your best, mate.  Bring your A-Game and nothing less.  I know you have a the soul of a great warrior inside of you, and I want to see you bring it all out at Breakdown.  I want the world to see who you really are and what you can do. Don’t bring Black Ice because you do not need him.  Just bring the Konrad Raab who I know from firsthand experience can beat anyone who is placed in front of him.

If you do that, we’ll mop the floor with Kandis and Valentine.

Sic Semper Tyrannis…

Saturday, April 6, 2019

The Next Generation: Part 4

House Show
Off Camera

Braddock has always made an instant impact wherever she went.  It didn’t take long after joining FWA before she was its world champion.  She did win the MWA World Championship on her first day of wrestling for that company.  Making instant impacts and causing people’s heads to turn is nothing new for her.  She’s also not unfamiliar with playing the role of underdog.  All too often she’s been scoffed at and underestimated when facing seemingly insurmountable odds.

Yet she seemingly always overcomes those odds each and every time.  It’s how, a long time ago, she earned the moniker “Best in the World”.  She never claimed it for herself.  She wasn’t that arrogant.  But people started calling her that.

It stuck.  All because of her love of professional wrestling. Some believe that she loves wrestling above everything else, even more than her own family.  Her ex-husband, Randall Williams, has made that claim about her before and while Glory refuses to believe it herself, she does have to admit that her competitive spirit rivals anyone else’s in this business.

It’s a passion she has, a drive and motivation to be the best that was instilled in her brain from the moment of birth by her father, Glenn Braddock.  The grizzled veteran always pushed his daughter harder than any of his other students.  As an athlete, Glory Braddock picked up her competitive nature from a father whose best was never good enough for him.  He always sought out the next big challenge.  For Glory, she has proven herself as a competitor, she has proven herself as an executive, and now she is being challenged to tackle the rigors of training the next generation.

Yet with this challenge, Glory is meeting it with resistance.  Braddock does not seem to want to train the next generation of professional wrestlers.  She doesn’t even particularly want to run her father’s wrestling school but she realizes that if someone doesn’t keep it running and if someone doesn’t train the next generation, then that school will shut down.  That school, the Braddock Wrestling School, is a part of her family’s legacy and she does not want to see it die.  Thus far she’s managed to convince her old friend Sophie O’Brian to run it for her temporarily; at least until Glory can find a permanent replacement.

How long will this arrangement last?  Glory does not know.  What she does know is that her time is limited.  Her time is running out.

It’s a busy time backstage at the Centurylink Center in Bossier City, Louisiana.  The SCW House Show has just concluded.  Braddock was in action tonight and has already changed out of her wrestling gear and into some more normal clothes, consisting of a knee length pink skirt, matching pink patent leather pumps, and a silky white blouse.  Her long blonde hair flows loosely and unrestrained to below her shoulders.

A knocking can be heard from just behind the dressing room door.  Braddock sighs and walks over to the door. “Coming…”

She opens the door and is damn near tackled to the ground by her eighteen year old daughter Melinda Alexis Braddock.  It takes everything The British Bombshell has to stay upright and balanced on her heels with Melinda charging her with this embrace.

“Mom!” She squeals with delight. “You were great out there!”

“I think you’re exaggerating a little bit, mate.” The elder Braddock says with a knowing smirk etched across her face.  “I didn’t even wrestle all that long.”

“Yeah but you were still great.  And you were killing it out there!  Just the fact that you ARE a wrestler is a heck of a lot more than what some peeps can say.”

Glory looks down at her oldest child, a black haired beauty named Melinda.  The teenager is wearing denim jeans, flip flops, and a “Glory Braddock” t-shirt.  Glory Braddock gave birth to Melinda when she was just sixteen years old.  Her education and her wrestling training both had to be put on hold for the duration of the pregnancy.  Glenn Braddock was furious at his daughter for being, in his words, “so careless”.  The father ran off when he heard about Glory’s pregnancy but that wasn’t the worst of it for Glory Braddock.

Disappointing her father was the worst possible punishment she could have imagined for herself.  But even the cold hearted Glenn grew to love Melinda after she was born.

Having Melinda complicated Glory’s life as she had to raise a child.  Her career could no longer be number one in her life.  But she was determined not to make the same mistakes her own father made as a parent.  She would make sure that Melinda was her top priority; wrestling would just have to take a backseat.

It’s something she wishes Glenn would have done more for her.  She wishes Glenn had been more of a father to her and less of a drill sergeant.  So many father and daughter memories that she missed out on.  Glory will not let her own child miss out on those same memories.

“That’s what I love about you, Mel.” Glory kisses her on the cheek. “As long as I have you, I know I always have at least one fan.”

“One fan?!” Melinda asks incredulously. “You DO hear the reaction out there, don’t you?  They love you, mom!”

“Ah yes, the hero worship.” The British Bombshell chuckles lightly and shakes her head. “I could do without it, to be perfectly honest with you, Mel.”

“What?!  You’re joking, right?!”

“Not at all.” Glory shakes her head. “I’m just a wrestler.  That’s my job; I wrestle.  I just want a fair shake when I do go out there.  I think that’s what any athlete wants.  It’s just that in some cases, with our sport in particular, you have to fight for that fairness.  You know what I mean?”

“Yeah, I do.  But still, it’s gotta feel good to have people cheering for you  like that.”

“It does.” Glory admits with a nod of her head.

“That’s what I want…” The teenager’s voice trails off.  Glory can tell by the far away look in her eye what’s on her mind.  Immediately The British Bombshell gets an idea in her head…

“You want to go out to the ring?”

“Huh?” Melinda is startled by this proposition and looks over at her mother incredulously. “You mean like, right now?”

“Yes, right now.”

“Is that allowed?”

“Don’t be daff, mate.” Glory snickers. “Of course it’s allowed.  The show just wrapped up; I doubt the ring crew has even begun taking the bloody thing apart.  It’s the perfect opportunity.”

“Well in that case…” Melinda smirks and nods her head enthusiastically “...yes!  Let’s do it!”

“That’s the spirit!” Glory exclaims as she takes the lead, marching out of the dressing room and leading Melinda down through the backstage area and towards the entrance ramp.

The British Bombshell is thrilled that she and her daughter can do this together.  This is just the kind of memory she wants to share with Melinda while Melinda is still young enough for the two of them to enjoy these memories.  Still, as excited as Melinda appears to be...and she definitely appears to be very excited about this...Glory cannot help but ask herself if this is the right kind of activity for her daughter.

Glory thinks back to her own childhood.  She never got to enjoy a normal childhood because her father was pushing her so hard to be the perfect professional wrestler.  Glory’s fear is that Melinda could fall into that same trap.

Perhaps it is too late to worry about that right now; they push their way past the curtain and begin to make their way down the ramp.  Few fans are still here now but that doesn’t stop Melinda from pretending to be a wrestler herself, running from side to side on the stage and posing for an invisible audience.  Even Glory herself gets a good laugh as she watches her daughter soak up the fun before bolting down the ramp and sliding into the ring from underneath the bottom rope.

“Hey!  Wait on me, Mel!” Glory shouts as she begins to walk down the ramp towards the ring.

The elder Braddock watches her daughter go to each of the four corners, climb up, and pose.  Glory is glad that Melinda seems to enjoy it.  She never really got to enjoy her professional debut.  Her father, the illustrious Glenn Braddock, had made it seem like an obligation to become a wrestler.  It was her duty, in a way, more than a dream of hers to follow in his footsteps.

Braddock ascends the steps and then steps onto the ring apron where she steps into the ring, joining her daughter Melinda.  By this time Melinda has finished her posing and meets her mother in the center of the ring.  The smile on the young Braddock’s face will have to be surgically removed.

“This is awesome!”

“I guess it could be rather neat.” Glory remarks, downplaying the experience. “Especially if you’ve never experienced it before.”

“But the crowd reaction, the rush you feel, it must be absolutely amazing!”

“Oh it is, but there are downsides.” Glory cautions. “Let’s just say that I am glad SCW has banned the pile driver.  That move hurts like hell.”

“So that just means you got to be the one delivering the punishment!  Not the other way around!” Melinda says rather nonchalantly; so nonchalantly that it even concerns Glory to a degree.

“These moves are nothing to sneeze at, love.” Glory warns. “My own submission finish, Shekinah Glory, it can cripple someone or kill them if I’m not careful.”

Glory Braddock takes Melinda by her hand. “A wrestler is, him or herself, the deadliest of weapons.  Remember that.”

“Yeah, grandpa says that.” Melinda says, rolling her eyes.

“Your grandpa is right about that.  This is a dangerous sport and you shouldn’t take it lightly.”

“I know that, mom, but come on, you got to admit, I was BORN for this!” Melinda exclaims. “Grandpa was an amateur legend, you are a fourteen time world champion, and me....”

Melinda’s voice trails off; she doesn’t finish her thought.  Glory Braddock tilts her head to one side and frowns. “What about you, Mel?”

“Well, I…” Melinda grins knowingly “...I think I’d like to do this.”

“Do what?”

“This!” Melinda exclaims. “I want to be a professional wrestler, just like my grandpa...just like my mom…”

“No, you don’t.” Glory insists, shaking her head.

“Of course I do!  This is what I was born to do, mom!”

“You were not born to get your ass kicked for a living.  That’s nonsense.  You can have a much more fulfilled and much safer life outside of this wrestling ring, Mel.  Trust me on that one.”

“I hear you, mom, but I don’t think you’re hearing me.  I am going to be a wrestler and I’d…” she pauses momentarily to consider her next words “...I’d like for you to be my trainer.”

“Seriously?” Glory chuckles.

“Seriously.” Melinda answers.

“You got guts, I’ll give you that much, Mel.” Braddock states. “You heard me say NO and yet you still asked.”

“I understand that you’re worried about me.”

Glory sighs and bows her head. “Until you have a kiddo of your own, love, you won’t truly understand.”

“I get that you’re worried about my well being.  What better way to make sure I’m trained properly than to train me yourself?”

“Sorry, Mel, but I refuse to train you.”

There is a tense pause between mother and daughter.  Finally it’s Melinda who breaks the ice.

“Sorry to hear that, mom.  But I will be a professional wrestler, even if it means going to someone else.  Amy Chastaine has a wrestling school…”

“Nice try, but you’re still living under my roof and as long as you live under my roof you live under my rules.”

“You can’t mean…” Melinda’s jaw drops.  Glory nods her head.

“I mean it.  I forbid you from training.”

Miami, Florida
Off Camera

Melinda Braddock had been quite bold in asking her mother if she could become a professional wrestler.  Actually, it wasn’t quite boldness as much as it was Melinda telling Glory what she wanted to do and expecting Glory to be on board with it.  Surely Glory Braddock, a second generation wrestler in her own right, would be supportive of her daughter carrying on the family tradition of in-ring grappling?

Not as much as you might think.  Glory Braddock, without even thinking, rejected the proposal in its entirety.  There was no way she would allow her daughter to continue on in the family tradition.

Why not?  To understand why you would have to understand Glory.  You would have to know her full back story.  It’s a story that very few outside of herself and her husband know.  It’s a story of a young girl who was not allowed to be a normal young girl because of the pressure put on her by her father.

Melinda doesn’t understand; all she knows is that her mother dashed her hopes and dreams.  The entire trip back to Miami was practically silent between mother and daughter.  Glory hated it but she believes that it is for her daughter’s own good.  Melinda can just get over it and get over herself.

Glory Braddock currently finds herself standing in front of a full length mirror.  The British Bombshell is attired in a long sleeve black dress with a hemline that stops just at the knee.  Her feet are encased in black high heeled pumps.  Her long blonde hair is pulled up in the back.  She smiles proudly as she likes what she sees reflecting back at her.

“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” Glory is startled ever so slightly but lets out a sigh of relief as she turns to see her husband Kurt Logan entering the room. Glory and Kurt embrace in a tight hug and then kiss passionately on the lips.

“You look gorgeous.” Kurt compliments her after breaking the embrace.

“You don’t look too shabby yourself, love.” Kurt, for his part, is wearing black pants, black shoes, and a plain white button up shirt.

“Well when the love of my life told me I needed to dress nice for the occasion, I dressed REAL nice.”

“The love of your life is a lucky woman.” Glory says jokingly with a bit of a laugh in her voice.

“No, I’m the lucky one.” Kurt leans in and kisses her on the lips again. “I get to take a gorgeous woman out dancing.”

“Yeah, about that.” Glory remarks. “This place better be worth it, love.  You know I’d just assume stay in with dad and Dawn.”

Dawn Logan is Glory and Kurt’s daughter, Melinda’s half-sister.

“Your dad would just assume stay in with Dawn.” Kurt points out. “That gives us the opportunity to go out and enjoy ourselves.  You know we don’t get nearly as much time to do that as we used to since you started wrestling for SCW.”

“I know.” Glory nods her head. “The curse of being a pro-wrestler, I guess.”

If there ever was such a thing as true love, this would be it.  Glory and Kurt slowly float towards one another and then their lips meet in yet another passionate kiss.  Upon breaking the kiss they stare lovingly into one another’s eyes.

“I suppose one night out just for the two of us couldn’t hurt.” Glory remarks.

“Of course it couldn’t hurt.  I mean, just because we’re adults doesn’t mean we can’t live life to the fullest.  Just look at Melinda.  She’s out enjoying herself with friends.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Glory nods her head slowly. “I just hope she can still enjoy herself, considering how I dashed her dreams of becoming a wrestler.”

“Melinda is a tough girl, Glory.  I know she can handle it.” Kurt frowns. “Though I still have to ask, why did you forbid her from training with ANYONE ever?”

“It’s complicated.”

Glory slowly walks over to the king size bed and sits down on the edge.  Her husband, Kurt, follows her and sits down next to her.  He wraps a loving arm around her shoulder.

“I’m a good listener, you know?”

The British Bombshell gazes into her husband’s loving eyes.  She sighs and shakes her head. “Kurt, it’s just that…”

“It’s ok.” Kurt rubs her back gently, comfortingly. “You don’t have to say if you don’t want to.”

“I just…”

“What is it?”

“...I just don’t want to become my father.”

“Your father?  Glenn?”

Glory nods her head. “I love him.  He’s the best father a girl could ask for….”

Kurt takes note of the silence in his wife’s voice. “I sense a ‘but’ coming on.”

“You’re right.” Braddock nods her head. “He is a great dad, but not in your typical way.  He was a good man, he protected me, but he didn’t seem to care about being a father.  He wanted to raise an heir, he didn’t want to raise a daughter.  He didn’t want daddy’s princess or daddy’s little girl, he wanted the heir to his wrestling throne.”

“I see.  Knowing your dad, he was probably rather pushy about it.”

“That’s an understatement if I ever heard one.” Glory remarks.  “I don’t want to become that person.  And I look at Melinda and I see her following down the same path I went down.  And if she follows my lead, if she follows my path, I could see me becoming the same kind of parent my own father was.”

“Well, Glory…” Kurt starts to chime in but he is cut off with the chorus line of Margaritaville.  Glory smirks as she immediately recognizes the ring tone.


“Speak of the devil.” Kurt reaches into his pocket and produces a small phone.  Sure enough the caller ID on the screen reads “Melinda Braddock”.  Kurt presses a button and puts the phone to his ear.

“Hey, Mel…” Kurt listens for a moment but almost immediately his brow furrows into a look of confusion “...Mandy?!”

“Who the bloody hell is Mandy?” Glory asks quizzically.

“It’s her friend.” Kurt whispers to Glory.  “Yes, I’m still here, Mandy...now slow down and tell me what’s wrong, why are you calling on my daughter’s phone?”

Kurt continues to listen and nod his head every so often.  Glory Braddock begins to grow more and more nervous, wondering just what is going on.  Finally Kurt speaks up again…

“Thank you for calling...no, no, you did the RIGHT thing...just stay there with her until one of us comes by to get her...thank you again…”

Kurt hangs up his phone and turns to look at Glory, sighing exacerbated. “It’s Melinda.  Something went wrong.”

A Few Hours Later
Off Camera

It was dark outside and yet the night was still young in Miami, Florida.  Melinda Braddock was used to her mother allowing her a lot more leniency than most teenagers receive but that was due in large part to her being a very responsible young lady.  Glory could count on her child to act and behave properly.  Glory didn’t have to keep tabs on Melinda.  She expected her to behave and thus Melinda got more privileges than most.

Glory Braddock rushed out of the house as soon as she heard her husband Kurt tell her that Melinda had gotten drunk on tequila shots.  Kurt insisted that he come to but Glory wouldn’t let him.  She wanted to do this on her own.  She wanted a face to face, one on one, with her oldest child.  She had to know what drove her to making such a dumb mistake.

The entire way to the club, Glory kept telling herself that this must be a big misunderstanding.  She kept telling herself that she would find Melinda safe and sound and, most importantly, sober.  But when Braddock walked into the club she found her daughter, Melinda, was propping up the bar, breathing in smoky air.  Her head had a way of lolling when she was close to complete inebriation.  The bartender was smart enough to spot the signs.  Melinda raised her hand with less coordination than a concussed troll and slurred more than spoke, “Moooooorrreee….”

The British Bombshell sighs as she walks over to her daughter, just in time to catch her as she tries to walk but stumbles in utter failure.  “Oh, Mel, what the hell…”

“Thank God you’re here, Ms. Braddock.” Comes another voice. Glory turns her head to see a young teen about Melinda’s age approaching.  It’s Mandy.  Mandy gets on the other side of Melinda and helps Glory to hold her up.

“So tell me, whose idea was it to go out for tequila shots instead of something safe like a movie or dancing?”

“Uh…” Mandy looks at Melinda and then back up at Glory “....mine.”

“Don’t covvvv….”

“What’s that, Mel?” Glory asks.

“Don’t listen to her, Ms. Braddock.” Mandy insists. “She’s clearly wasted.  It was all me.”

“Don’t cover…” Melinda shakes her head “...don’t cover for me...my idea…”

“Is this true?” Glory turns and glares at Mandy.  Mandy sighs and nods her head.


“Ok.” Glory shakes her head. “Look, just help me get her back to my car.  I’ll deal with Melinda there.”

“Go easy on her, Ms. Braddock!” Mandy pleads.

“I make no promises.”

Glory and Mandy each have an arm as they lead Melinda slowly across the floor and eventually to the door.  Carefully they help her over the threshold and back outside into the air.  The British Bombshell parked as close to the front as she could, so it doesn’t take long for them to reach her vehicle.  The front passenger side is opened and they gently set her down inside before shutting the door.  Braddock props her hands up on her hips and shakes her head.

“This is bloody ridiculous.  How could I let that happen to my daughter?”

“Uh, Ms. Braddock…”

“What is it, Mandy?”

“It isn’t your fault.”

Glory forces a smile on her face. “Thanks, Mandy.  But this may be a bit out of your wheelhouse, mate.”

“I know.”

“Do you have a ride home?”

“I do.”

“Ok.  Thanks again for the call.  Kurt and I appreciate it.”

Glory Braddock turns and, without looking back, walks to the driver’s side and gets into the car.  Immediately she starts the car and drives off.  The look on the gorgeous beauty’s face tells the story of a mother who is furious with her daughter.

“I’m disappointed in you, Mel.”

“Not my fault.” She slurs in response.

“You really are batting a thousand, mate.” Glory responds with sarcasm. “First you get wasted and now you refuse to take responsibility for your actions.”

“Not my fault.” Melinda repeats.

“Well, if it isn’t your fault then whose fault is it?”


“What?!” Glory exclaims, briefly turning her attention away from the road. “How the bloody hell do you figure that?!”

“You’re holding me back!” Melinda shouts. “You won’t let me grow up and pursue my dreams!”

“Is that what this is about?  You’re acting out because I won’t let you wrestle?  If that’s the case then you really are reaching for an excuse and it isn’t going to work.”

“You need to...you need to…”

“What?!  Tell me, Melinda Alexis, what is it that I need to do?”

“....LOOK OUT!”

Suddenly her car slams into the side of a pickup truck.  The truck ran the red light so he’s at fault but it doesn’t help matters that Glory wasn’t paying any attention.

On Camera

I’m just here for one reason and one reason only; and that is to wrestle.  Actually, scratch that, I’m here to compete against the absolute best competition in this business today and you can find that kind of high level of competition in one place…

...Supreme Championship Wrestling.

Competing against the best, testing myself against top of the line athletes, it’s what I do.  It’s what I was born to do.  Over time I earned the nickname Best in the World.  I wasn’t like some arrogant, condescending pissant who decided to just one day call  herself that.  I don’t prance around like Syren and call myself the best wrestler in the world and then refuse to show up to work and defend that crown.

Again and again I would fight the best and I would beat the best.  It came to a point where my peers named me the best wrestler in the world.  And I showed up to work, again and again, and I continued to fight the highest level of competition that anyone could place in front of me.  I didn’t want to rest on my laurels.  I wanted to prove that I was still the best.

That’s why I’m here in Supreme Championship Wrestling.  I am here looking for a new challenge. I am here to wrestle against the best athletes Sasha can find to put up against me, because I do not want there to be any arguments or any disputes about The British Bombshell still being among the absolute best wrestlers in the world.

Yeah, that’s all I’m here to do.  I’m here to wrestle.  I try to mind my own business.  Now maybe I should’ve stayed out of Konrad’s business.  I am the first to admit that sometimes I get a little too ahead of myself when I want to help people.  It is clear to me and everyone else watching that you’re having some difficulty controlling this Black Ice persona of yours.

For starters, I’ve dealt with people who have dark sides before.  If you or anyone else thinks I should be afraid of Black Ice then I’m sorry to disappoint you but I’m not.  My cousin is Angelica Jones and her dark side is known as The Dragon.  I’ve battled The Dragon to a standstill on more than one occasion, mate.  And Black Ice is a child compared to The Dragon.

Fighting darkness and fighting monsters is something I am oh so familiar with.  Three matches in a row against Andreas Lasiewicz and his darkside persona known as The Morning Star.  A brutal throw down with Steve Pinex’s darkside persona known as The Ebony Destroyer.

I’m sorry, don’t know those random name drops, mate?  Try these.

Brittany Lohan.

Sophie O’Brian.

Dante the Dark Assassin.

All of these individuals I fought.  I danced with their devils and I won.  Now don’t get me wrong, Konrad.  I respect what you are capable of, both when you’re normal and when you revert to Black Ice.  But am I afraid of Black Ice?

Not on your life, mate.

I got involved only because I thought you needed help.  You lost control.  Just like my cousin Angelica can lose control at times.  But she has someone to look after her; James Evans.  And when he loses control, he has Angelica to look after him.  But you?  Who do you have to look after you if you lose control and unleash Black Ice?

Now I’m not saying I’m gonna follow you around like a bloody nurse.  All I wanted to know was if you were doing ok.  That’s all.  But if it’s a fight you want then it’s a fight you’ll get.  And if Black Ice wants to really get up close and personal with The British Bombshell then I will gladly show Black Ice just why so many have called me The Best in the World.

Some of those devils I fought, some of those demons I took on, I made some of them tap out like little children.

Maybe that’s it?  Maybe that’s all Black Ice really needs, isn’t it Konrad?  Your Black Ice persona just needs a little bit of humbling.

So let me tell you how this is going to work out, Konrad.  You and I, we’re going to have our match at Tabula Rasa.  And if I’m just facing The Iceman that me and the SCW fans know and love, then you and I are going to have one hell of a match. I know it.  You have a lot of talent, Konrad.  Your SCW Television Title reign is evidence of it.  The fact that you’re even on this roster is evidence of it because Supreme Championship Wrestling is the elite of the elite.  They don’t sign slackers.

You’re good, Konrad.  You’re real good.  So I know you and I could have a hell of a match at Tabula Rasa.

But if you bring Black Ice to this dance, then I know exactly what I must do.  It’s what I have to do for your own good and for the good of everyone else in SCW.  I’m going to humble Black Ice.  I’m going to lock him in my triangle choke and make him tap out.

Then again, maybe you’ll get choked out?  Tap out or get choked out, mate.  It’s your choice.  Either way I win.  But this tyranny of Black Ice has gone on long enough.  And you know what they say about tyrants?

Sic Semper Tyrannis…

...thus always to tyrants.